供应厂家**新款投影互动砸球,墙面砸球,海洋球砸球,互动海洋球ineractive projection Motion shooting 产品名称:互动砸球 应用领域:淘气堡,商业展示、博物馆、科技馆展览、演绎娱乐、大型儿童乐园、主题公园等场所 产品技术: 互动砸球系统的运作原理**是通过动作捕捉设备对目标影像进行捕捉拍摄,然后经影像分析系统分析,从而产生被捕捉物体的动作,该动作数据结合实时影像互动系统,使参与者与屏幕之间产生紧密结合的互动效果。 产品玩法: 互动砸球是蜃境信息科技的*产品之一!该产品把互动科技和传统淘气堡**结合,双剑合璧,让人耳目一新!助力波波球池华丽升级!小朋友只要手拿波波球砸向大屏幕虚拟场景中的鲨鱼、气球和怪兽等移动的目标即可参与游戏互动,还能双人对战比赛,多人互动!打BOSS、捡宝箱、、太空大战等12款游戏,给玩家带来更多的玩乐体验。 产品亮点: 1. 屏幕升级:游戏丰富,主题多变,3D虚拟场景,劲爆来袭! 2. 球池升级:屏幕较大,画面较震撼,可以实现亲子互动,多人互动! 3. 内容升级:传统球池与互动科技**结合,5+7款游戏聚人气,增收益! 产品效益: 1. 助力升级:游戏加持,帮助转型升级; 2. 互动性强:亲子玩乐多人竞技,有效促进互动; 3. 持久保鲜:游戏较新升级**,保持游戏黏性; 4. 量身定制:可依节日、客户需求定制游戏,灵活度高; 5. 增加收益:热门产品,亮点项目,聚人气,增收益; 老少皆宜,爱玩是孩子的天性,他们喜欢摸、爬、滚、打、钻、滑各种各样的游戏,儿童乐园显然是他们理想中玩乐的天堂。随着二胎的开放,儿童经济也随之强势崛起,儿童乐园成为大家眼中的“香饽饽”,特别是室内儿童乐园,较是受到众多投资者的热捧。自上个世纪淘气堡出现后,相继在日美等国逐渐流行。 单一的儿童乐园,在前几年非常受欢迎,但随着室内儿童乐园的不断增加,同质化是避免不了的问题,优胜劣汰,是社会发展的自然规律。随着室内儿童乐园数量的不断增加,竞争也随之激烈。室内儿童乐园,不仅仅是儿童的乐园,较是未来家庭娱乐的场所。周末,带着孩子去儿童乐园,已成为许多家庭的常态活动,儿童乐园游戏项目可以留住小朋友,但用什么项目来留住家长呢? 3D互动投影砸球,你听说过吗?“3D”,乍一听就感觉特别高大上的感受有木有?互动科技结合传统儿童乐园,将虚实交互的动画游戏投影在波波池里的大屏幕中,3D互动投影砸球采用实时视频影像辨识的传感技术,精心制造的一个刺激好玩的虚拟现实互动界面,一重重刺激好玩的互动游戏吸引小朋友奋勇上阵 1. 场景描述 2. 【互动砸球】飞行大战;动物森林;糖果王国;深林城堡;缤纷气球‘怪兽城镇;梦幻国度;消灭魔兽;海底世界;多彩海洋;城市交通;星空战舰;’ 2.系统构成及原理 本系统主要由服务器处理系统, 投影显示系统,摄像头采集系统,声乐系统等组成,工作原理是摄像头分析检测到当前图像中的像素不断变化,判断图像中的物体被实物海洋球砸中,及时返回数据信息,然后程序进行分析处理,展示对应的*效果。 互动砸球: Product name: interaction to hit the ball Areas of application: naughty fort, commercial exhibition, museum, science and technology museum exhibition, deductive entertainment, large childrens parks, theme parks and other places Product technology: Interaction to hit the ball system work principle is, first and foremost by motion capture devices capture of target image, and then by the image analysis system, which is to capture motion of the object, the movement data real-time video interactive system, with the participants and closely with interaction effects between the screen. Product Play: Interactive smash is one of the hot products of Mirage Information Technology! This product is a perfect combination of interactive technology and traditional naughty castle, double-sword combination, let a person refreshing! Power Wave Pool Gorgeous Upgrade! Children can take part in the game by hitting the moving targets such as sharks, balloons and monsters in the large screen virtual scene with the wave ball, and also can play the game in pairs, multi-player interaction! Play BOSS, collect treasure chest, space war and other 12 games, to bring more play experience to the player. Product benefits: 1. Power upgrade: blessing of the game to help upgrade; 2. Interactive: parent-child play multiplayer competitive, effective promotion of interactions; 3. Sustainable preservation: game updates fast, keep the game sticky; 4. Tailor: can the Festival, customer-tailored games, high flexibility, 5. Increase revenue: hot products, highlight item, poly popularity, increase income; 1. Scene description 2. 【 interaction to hit the ball flying war; Animal forest; Ca