供应厂家**新款投影,魔幻沙池,互动沙池,互动沙桌,Magic Basin sand/MOTION SAND 产品玩法: 可以实现投影的成像随着沙堆高度的增加而逐渐呈现出海洋、大陆架、海岸、陆地、丘陵、高山和雪山等地形效果。只要轻轻挥手,漫山遍野都会生出花草树木,只动动手指,小鱼乌龟会被你吓跑,在山**上空挥手还可以“引爆火山”。小朋友一起DIY,交流互动,创意无穷。 产品亮点: 1.沙子随意组合,不同景象百玩不厌! 2.音效影像丰富,互动效果炫丽多彩! 3.系列情境剧本,孩子创意尽情发挥! 4.人机多人互动,热闹有趣新鲜好玩! Play: projection image can be achieved gradually as the sand increases the height of the sea, continental shelf, marine, land, Hill, mountain and snow terrain effects. Just wave, mountains and Plains will produce flowers and trees, finger, little fish and turtles are scaring you, in the skies above the mountain wave can also "exploded volcano." Kids DIY, interaction and creativity. Product highlights: 1. sand, random combinations, different pictures hundreds of times! 2. sound image-rich, interactive effects dazzling colorful! 3. series of situational play, kids creative play! 4. Human-machine multiplayer interactive, lively and interesting fresh fun! 产品效益: 1.系统稳定:地形捕捉系统**稳定; 2.成像高清:硬件投影成像精细高清; 3.持久保鲜:多剧本多玩法,新鲜不断,保客流; 4.亮点项目:助力游乐场打造亮点,聚集人气、增加收益。 魔幻地理沙箱主要针对儿童娱乐教学,开发智力为主. 具有玩具和 教具的双重属性,能够起到开发智力,培养兴趣的作用。其特点是可以让孩子在“玩中学、学中玩”,真正做到寓教于乐,是低幼儿童早期启蒙教育的较好法宝之一。 Product benefits: 1. system stability: terrain capture system precisely 2. Imaging HD: fine hardware projection HD; 3. lasting freshness: play play, fresh, and flow; 4. highlight item: power playground to create highlights, get noticed, increase revenue. Magic sandbox for children entertainment teaching of geography, development of intelligence. With the dual nature of toys and teaching aids, can play the intelligence, and fostering interest in the role. Characterized by kids "playing, learning and playing" really fun, is the best young children early education key. 应用领域:淘气堡,商业展示、博物馆、科技馆展览、演绎娱乐、大型儿童乐园、主题公园等场所 产品技术 本产品主要由服务器处理系统,投影机显示系统,体感采集系统为主要组成,同时配合声乐,在真实的水晶沙上面,呈现出真实的大自然中的不同的海洋,森林,雪山,火山的地貌.人动沙动,沙变画变.美不胜收. Areas of application: naughty fort, commercial exhibition, museum, science and technology museum exhibition, deductive entertainment, large children's parks, theme parks and other places Product technology This product is mainly composed of server processing system, projection display systems, body feeling acquisition system as the main composition, cooperate with vocal music at the same time, in the real crystal sand, presents the real nature of different oceans, forests, mountains, volcanic landforms. People move sand, sand painting change. Beautiful. 1. 地层构成 在较底层,是蓝色的海洋,上面有水波纹在变化,里面有各种小鱼和海龟在游动.有水流的声音. 上面一层地貌就是森林草地,绿色的大地,充满生机和活力有鲜花在开放,树叶在飘动,蝴蝶飞来飞去.音箱里有鸟儿在唱歌如果继续堆放沙子,就出会现真实的岩石和白雪,黑白相间的岩石上面,就是白皑皑的雪山. 在沙子的良好,是红色的火山,火山在喷发,很真实的场景,同时伴火山灰落下,还有轰隆隆的火山的喷发的声音. 整个画面还有很多白色的鸟儿飞过,鸣叫. 从上向下看去,就是一幅微缩的大自然的景象,不同的地形地貌都呈现在眼前. 用手可以触摸,改变沙子的高度和位置,地貌随之也出现不同的变化.耳边是大自然的水流声,鸟叫声,火山喷发声,无比真实. 本系统主要由服务器处理系统, 投影显示系统,体感采集系统,声乐系统及基础构件,沙子等组成. 工作原理就是使用一个 3D 摄像头,采集自上而下感应沙面信息,默认情况下,它展示出了等高线,而这正是通过沙表面的线条呈现出来的。通常情况下人们会惊奇地发现沙子并不像平日里的博物馆展品那样,它相当地与众不同;参观者们通过不同的方式去触摸沙子,投影仪会显示一系列的动作效果。厚厚的沙子使得参观者们可以用手或者铲子把沙子塑造成各种形状,特别是一些特殊的地形。当一名体验者塑造出了一景观(例如,一