广东肇庆西江机械的高速瓦楞纸板生产线行销**25年,***的实现了东西方技术的融合,制造出适合**发展中地区需要的全系列1200mm-2500mm,100米/分-300米/分的全自动产品,推动**包装一体技术的推进。 (1) 采用德国**PLC总线控制,实现总线联网。 (2) 由热粘合部、冷定型部及驱动部组成,采用12、15、18、21、24块×600mm宽×160mm厚加热板,表面光滑并。 (3) 采用液压升降结构并可根据不同层数和车速实现整体分段加压。 (4) 采用国产**棉织带,透气、耐温、**、抗伸缩性能优良,并采用两组气动张紧棉织带装置。 (5) 皮带自动纠偏功能,系统检测到粘合机皮带走偏后,计算出合适纠偏动作时间和等候时间,驱动纠偏电机进行自动纠偏,有效地减少了贴合不良的现象。 (6) 传动轮采用硫化胶浇铸、表面刻有人字槽,**、使用寿命长。 (7) 蒸汽管道布置合理,可实现加热板分组控温。 (8) 冷定型部约11米长,热段与冷型段的合理配置有利于强化、稳定、提高三、五层、瓦楞纸板的质量 (9) 粘合机与单面机之间有速度显示,可同步加速或减速,具有联动控制和手动控制. (10)本机主操作台能够控制面纸无轴支架的左右平移,防止人为因素造成的纸张浪费。 (11) 热板结构借鉴德国良好产品的结构,采用多循环通道加热形式,独立的进汽与冷凝水排出结构,使热板温度均匀,控制减少热板的变形量,有效地减少着糊不良和起泡的现象,达到高速状态下纸板的良好粘合。 (12)具有热板温度三点显示(前、中、后三点),直观有效地控制调整加热温度。 (13) 疏水系统采用新型直通式不锈钢疏水装置,独立疏水,集中回水,取消旁路设计,可做到终身免维护,结构简单,省去截止阀,止回阀等,简化了回路安装和维护。 (14)主动力采用变频控制。 (15)变频器控制系统网络可与生产线网络系统连接,使机器操作较加方便,较加*节省原材料消耗和能源消耗。
GUANGDONG ZHAOQING XIJIANG PACKAGING MACHINERY CORPORATION Guangdong Zhaoqing Xijiang Packaging Machinery Corporation(Abbreviated GZXPMC), the former Guangdong Xijiang Machinery Factory, was built up at 1954. It was engaged in producing high precision military industry series products in the past years. Since 1990,with the advantage of superior technology at home and overseas our company cooperated with Guangdong ZHAOQING JALONG Enterprise Group to research & develop carton machine and has produced series corrugated paperboard packing machinery complete in sets up to now. The main advantages is as follows: Close partner of BHS in China: Joint-manufactured successfully of the 5 layers computer controlled large width high speed 2.5M corrugated paperboard production line for Dalian United Packaging Co. Ltd. and DAWANGSI in Hebei province. GZXPMC was a authorized manufacturer of China State Ship building Corporation in South China and acquired the National Secondary Measurement certificate. It has a complete quality assurance system in accordance with the requirement of ISO 9001. GZXPMC has a completely consummate computer management information system and an international advanced CAD center; it owns many kinds of precise equipment for machining and with the heritage of the advanced experience in research and development, production of Guangdong ZHAOQING packing machinery industry and technical supporting by BHS of Germany, GZXPMC can supply whole series of middle and high speed corrugated paperboard packing machinery equipment complete in sets. XIJIANG brand Model WJ type 3、5、7 layer and multi-functional series corrugated paperboard production line have been honored the famous brand in the China machinery industry. Computer controlled high speed width corrugated paperboard production line is an advanced packing equipment, which is combind the advanced technology of the corrugated paperboard manufacturing at home and abroad in recent years. The whole series of single piece and double piece nailing machine controlled by computer , which is now at the leading place in our country, has filled the blank of the back working process of national carton producing equipment. United excellent technology talents of Guangdong , our company possesses a powerful research and development center of series production corrugated paperboard packing machinery.