EH9721贴片机拥有轨道接驳上下料等功能,应用产品更广泛,更适用于批量化的产品生产。 产品特点: 1.高精度:±2µm@3σ 2.高效率:多工作台、快速精准温控及力控 3.高柔性:多吸嘴自动更换、多中转工位自由切换、多种上料方式灵活选配、轨道接驳上下料 4.易扩展:配合客户进行工艺探索、可定制开发、功能模块可选配Flip Chip 产品型号 EH9721 Product model EH9721 贴装精度 ±2µm@3σ Placement Accuracy ±2µm@3σ 贴装角度 ±0.3° Placement Angle ±0.3° 贴装工艺 共晶、蘸胶、Flip Chip(选配) Placement Process Eutectic, Underfill, Flip Chip (optional) 设备应用 COC,COB,Gold Box,Cow,Cos Equipment Application COC,COB,Gold Box,Cow,Cos 效率 15~25s/pcs(共晶, 依据具体应用) 5~7s/pcs(蘸胶, 依据具体应用) Efficiency 15~25 seconds per piece (Eutectic, depending on actual working conditions) 5~7 seconds per piece (Underfill, depending on actual working conditions) 贴装模块 吸嘴 单头12个,动态换刀 Nozzle 12 nozzles per single head, dynamic tool change 力控 (10g-50g)±2g; (50g-300g)±3% Surface Mount Technology (SMT) module Force Control (10g-50g)±2g; (50g-300g)±3% 移栽模块 吸嘴 / Nozzle 力控 / Transfer Module Force Control 共晶模块 工作台 1 Workbench 1 中转台 单工作台8个(最多) Transfer Station 8 (maximum) on a single workbench 加热方式 脉冲加热 Heating Method Pulse Heating 温度范围 500°C(最高) Temperature Range Up to 500°C (maximum) 温升速率 50°C/S(最大) Eutectic Module Temperature Ramp Rate Up to 50°C/s (maximum) 供料模式 Wafer,Waffle Pack, Gel-Pak Wafer,6寸,最多支持2个 Wafer, 6 inches, supports up to 2 pieces Waffle Pack, Gel-Pak,2寸,最多支持9个 Waffle Pack, Gel-Pak, 2 inches, supports up to 9 pieces 轨道接驳上下料(选配) Feeding Mode Wafer,Waffle Pack, Gel-Pak Track Connection Loading and Unloading (optional) 外形尺寸(长×宽×高) 1650mm×1100mm×1800mm Overall Dimension (Length x Width x Height) 1650mm×1100mm×1800mm 重量 2200Kg(最大) Weight 2200 Kg (maximum) 压缩空气 0.4~0.7MPa Compressed Air 0.4~0.7MPa 氮气 0.4~0.7MPa Nitrogen 0.4~0.7MPa 环境温度 23±2°C Ambient Temperature 23±2°C