• TEXACO HDAX® 6500 LFG Gas Engine Oil SAE 40

    TEXACO HDAX® 6500 LFG Gas Engine Oil SAE 40

  • 2023-04-11 11:07 92
  • 产品价格:3650.00
  • 发货地址:广东省深圳市包装说明:不限
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    HDAX® 6500 LFG Gas Engine Oil SAE 40 德士古高性能低灰份气体发动机油SAE 40

    High performance low ash gas engine oil 

    Product description 

    HDAX 6500 LFG is a high performance low ash dispersant/detergent type SAE 40 gas engine oil, specifically designed for landfill gas, biogas digester gas and sour gas applications. 

    HDAX 6500 LFG is formulated with premium quality base oils with very low sulphur, nitrogen and aromatic content, and contains ashless dispersancy and oxidation inhibitor additive technologies, with an advanced metallic detergent and anti-wear package. 

    HDAX 6500 LFG promotes reliable corrosion protection, helps prevent combustion chamber deposits, aids piston deposit control, offers minimal ring sticking and provides scuffing protection to the cylinder liners. Through reliable oxidation and nitration resistance, HDAX 6500 LFG offers a minimal viscosity increase.

    Customer benefits

     • Helps provide valve recession control, low deposit formation and minimises pre-ignition in four stroke engines running on harsh fuels 

    • Low phosphorus formulation offers catalyst protection 

    • Offers extended drain performance with strong base retention, oxidation and nitration resistance characteristics, through a combination of premium base fluids and a robust inhibitor package 

    • Minimises oxidation, sludge formation and oil thickening, helping protect against filter plugging and abrasive polishing wear 

    • Designed for corrosion control in engines burning high chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) and/or high sulphur fuels where high acidic condensate forms

    Applications HDAX 6500 LFG is recommended for: 

    • Four-stroke engines fuelled by landfill gas containing elevated levels of chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s)

    • Sour gas applications where corrosive wear is a concern 

    • Engines where low ash oils are preferred

    Approvals, performance and suitable for use Approvals 

    • Caterpillar CG132, CG170 and CG260 engines 

    • Cummins QSV Landfill gas engines 

    • Jenbacher TA 1000-1109 Fuel Class B (biogas, *age gas) and Class C (landfill gas) for the following engine types and versions: - Type 2 & 3 - Type 4 Versions A - Type 4 Versions B & D - Type 6 Versions C & E 

    • MAN Truck M 3271-4 (Special gas) & Bus 

    • MWM TCG Gas Engines [1] (Caterpillar Energy Solutions) 

    • TEDOM 61-0-0281.1 Fuel types L (landfill), B (biogas), S (*age gas)

    Suitable for use 

    • Suitable for use in Waukesha engines 

    • Extensive Proof of Performance trials and operational experience in Caterpillar G3400 and G3500 series engines. 

    [1] Recommended for use with *age gas, landfill gas and other biogases

    Typical test data 

            Test              Test Methods      Results 

    Viscosity Grade                               40 

    Density, 15°C, kg/l            ASTM D4052         0.875 

    Kinematic viscosity, 40°C, mm2 /s   ASTM D445        134 

    Kinematic viscosity, 100°C, mm2 /s  ASTM D445         13.5 

    Viscosity Index                ASTM D445         95 

    Pour Point, °C                ASTM D5950        -27

    Flash Point, COC, °C            ASTM D92          268

    Total Base Number, mg KOH/g       ASTM D2896         4.5 

    Sulphated Ash, %wt              ASTM D874         0.55

    The information given in the typical data does not constitute a specification but is an indication based on current production and can be affected by allowable production tolerances. The right to make modifications is reserved. This supersedes all previous editions and information contained in them.


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