阿德采购网 > 企业黄页 > 香港黄页 > 湾仔黄页 > MJ lighting

    MJ lighting

  • 所属行业:LED LED景观照明灯 LED舞台灯
  • 供应厂家:MJ lighting
  • 公司地址:香港特别行政区湾仔区香港湾仔轩尼诗道250 号卓能广场 16 层D
  • 公司网址:http://www.cg160.cn/gs-3718912.html
  • 主营产品:LED,LED PAR CAN,LED 照明,LED 舞台灯,帕灯,球泡灯,T5 灯管
  • 陈光荣 总经理 13826952489 / 0769-81011189
  • 进入店铺
    MJ LIGHTING CO.Ltd. Is the group of produce par cans and led lights there in china.
    In2005,MJ LIGHTING CO Ltd. Was previously established in Philippine  with the  primary objective of manufacturing good quality professional stage lights for a local market, Now we moved our base to china of our production line.  From manually operated machineries we have developed semi-automated equipments thereby allowing us to manufacture big quantities in a much lesser time. The company has combined development production , and research group in one kit.
          Our company has consistently quality and durable products with precision from delivery and competitive price. The company’s export markets of world wide more than 40 country’s. over the year, especially for OEM/ODM , we had steadfastly increased our production capacity to satisfy the growing worldwide demand of stage lightings in the market.
        Today MJ LIGHTING CO.Ltd. Is continually providing our client the best par cans and Led-lights ,and in response to social trends we are expanded for the second factory namely WIN TRUST LIGHTING.CO.LT to product the saving energy T5 tube and more interior led’s lighting, continually providing and develop more product the world could ever have…..
     Our main office is base in Hong-Kong, factory is strategically located in the Guangzhou ,We welcome your orders for OEM/ODM and we are committed to offer you our best quality and services, with the good price.
    欢迎来到MJ lighting网站, 具体地址是香港特别行政区湾仔区公司街道地址,联系人是。
    主要经营本公司主要生产led照明和led舞 台照明。
    单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 10 万元以下。
    我公司是一家集LED产品研发、制造、销售及服务一体的高新技术企业,目前主营业务包括sKeys等。公司本着“家有照明,家家都有”的美好愿景,专注致力于为客户提供高质量、高性能的LED应用产品及服务。 拥有一套完整的研发、制造、销售及服务体系,具备现代化厂房和自动化生产设备的独立生产基地,公司延揽了一大批高素质的专业研发、生产及销售人才。 在生产制造过程中严格执行ISO9001:2008质量认证体系,产品先后通过国际国内CE、ETL、GOST、CCC、UL、CUL等相关品质认证,除了拥有可靠的质量保证外,还占领了自主知识产权的高地,目前公司部分产品已经获得授权和正在申请的国内外专利。 稳定可靠的质量和人性化服务,是我们对客户信守的承诺。我们将始终以树立品牌形象为中心,以科技创新为依托,以人才管理为基点,力创国际一流照明企业。