阿德采购网 > 企业黄页 > 广东黄页 > 佛山黄页 > 佛山市创天化学纤维有限公司


  • 所属行业:珠宝 首饰保养/包装 电镀布
  • 供应厂家:佛山市创天化学纤维有限公司
  • 公司地址:广东省佛山市禅城区广东佛山市禅城区汾江南路18号(雅庭国际广场)1座2310房之一
  • 公司网址:http://www.cg160.cn/gs-3527402.html
  • 主营产品:
  • 梁杨雄 经理 13500255183 / 757-88033261/88033262/63308878
  • 进入店铺
     本公司提供全方位的复合材料产品,其主要范围包括: 1、销售及代理各类型进口各大品牌的碳纤维布、碳纤维混编布、彩色电镀玻璃纤维布、芳纶编织布、及各种高性能纤维布。 2、加工生产碳纤维板(全碳、半碳),热塑性碳纤维板(布),碳纤维软、硬片,TPU碳纤维皮革、玻璃纤维板、碳纤维树脂预浸布。 3、研发各种新型纤维布领域产品,以迎合不同客户的特殊需求,并为客户提供专业、高效的技术解决方案.
      Foshan Newsky Chemical Fiber Company Limited was founded in 2007, mainly engaged in high-performance composite material product sales and related products production and development; we and the world"s major producers of raw materials to maintain good relations of cooperation; to provide high-quality products and services support.Division I provide a full range of composite materials products, the current main products include: all kinds of thickness of carbon fiber sheet: full carbon fiber, a carbon fiber, carbon fiber sheet ( sheet), TPU ( carbon fiber glass fiber cloth ) ( bags, wallet, leather gloves, shoes special ), a variety of glass thickness fiber board; agents and sales of various kinds of imported fiber cloth: carbon fiber cloth ( 1K, 1.5K, 3K, 6K, 12K, 3K twill twill, single-sided cloth stereotypes professional use in car surrounded by large ), carbon fiber mixed weaving glass fiber cloth,  carbonThe use of its products: carbon fiber model accessories, metal crafts, jewelry, buttons, bags, decoration, car surrounded by large, electrical insulation, sporting goods, sports equipment, footwear, speaker ( cone ), bicycle, shipbuilding, safety helmet, medical equipment.We would like a loyal and trustworthy, warm and efficient service with the old and new customers, and common development 
    加工方式 : 来图加工;来料代工加工;来样加工;
    工艺 : 机加工;
    品牌名称 : 创天
    质量控制 : 内部
    欢迎来到佛山市创天化学纤维有限公司网站, 具体地址是广东省佛山市禅城区公司街道地址,老板是梁杨雄。