日本迪睿合(原索尼)SP7600HF 音箱喇叭防尘网纱 产品用途: SONY SP7600HF防尘网适用于扬声器前面板(ABS、PS、铝及金属)的开口部的防尘、遮蔽用途。 胶带宽度:25mm × 50mm 压着条件:温度 90°C ~120°C /压力 0.26MPa~0.90MPa/时间 10~20秒 测试环境:23°C±5°C 60%±20%RH 抗拉速度:300mm/分钟 Compared with the pressure sensitive adhesive tape, process reduction is possible because the heat activated adhesive is pre-coated on mesh. ■ Compared with the spray method, there is little unevenness of adhesive. SP7600 contributes to quality improvement. ■ Since the adhesive layer is applied in opening structure on all over the polyester mesh by our special method, it offers good sound transmission. ■ Halogen is not used in the heat activated adhesive and carrier.