我厂常年供应;**原料;圣诞礼品; 圣诞用品;圣诞饰品;例如:美国松果;华山松果;马尾松果;湿地松果;土茯苓藤;黑蛤蟆藤;十字果;枫树果;本地松;五眼果;苔藓;青苔;水苔;水草;玉米皮;玉米芯;金刚藤;杉树果;藤圈;青藤;丝瓜瓤;芝麻壳;梧桐壳。 并承接成品、半成品的藤圈;藤环;圣诞节日挂件加工 欢迎来电订购!
赣州市正盛工艺品有限公司成立于2008年,是经赣州市*核准的有限责任公司,**从事**工艺品原料的采集、加工及销售。 赣州市正盛工艺品有限公司在赣州黄金开发区拥有面积为3000平米的大型仓库,在深圳设立了办事处。 为了****材料的货源,正盛公司对适销产品均有充分的储备,并且采取了工厂+农户的经营模式,利用产地优势,向客户供应赣南地区特有的藤条、松果、青苔、水草,并承接成品、半成品的加工。 经过同仁的共同努力,正盛公司已形成一定规模,业务规模在不断的发展与壮大。 热诚欢迎同国内各界人士携手合作。欢迎来电来涵洽谈业务索取样品,也可根据客户要求打样。我们将竭诚为您服务! Ganzhou Zhengsheng hadicraft article limited company is an independent legal person and limited liability company approved by administration for industry and commerse of Ganzhou.It is established in 2008,which specializes in collecting, processing and salling the materials of natural hadicraft article. The company has a large warehouse about 3,000 square meters at gold development zone of Ganzhou city and sets up an office in Shenzhen To protect the supplies of natural materials,our company stores a lot of salable products and takes a management pattern of the Factories add farmers. our company can supplys customers with rattans, pineals, mosses which are special local products in southern of Jiangxi province,and also undertakes the processing for finished products and semi-finished products