7780tsm-asi & 7780tsm-ip mpeg2/h.264 ip & asi transport stream monitor the 7780tsm line of remote probes is a complete embedded hardware based solution for compressed network monitoring. by monitoring the mpeg transport stream at strategic points within the distribution network, in conjunction with the industry leading vistalink? pro nms (network management system), the 7780tsm offers service providers the tools to continuously and effectively have the confidence that their mpeg-2/h.264 **s within any iptv, satellite, terrestrial or cable network is being delivered properly. the 7780tsm supports the two most popular interfaces asi and ip. with support for over 400mb/s (on asi) or 200mb/s (on ip) of total mpeg-2/h.264 traffic on a single 7780tsm, these probes can, for example, in no time separate encoder errors to network delivery errors allowing the operator to act quickly and avoid down time. the industry leading evertz vistalink? pro nms offers a new dimension to ts monitoring by allowing a graphical customization of any measurement performed and a quick viewing of the different points in the system. it makes the 7780tsm probe system a valuable system in any operational environment
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