HEXAMETHYLENETETRAMINE (HEXAMINE, urotropine) is a white crystalline powder with slight amine odor. Specific gravity is 1.27 at 25C . HEXAMINE is soluble in water, alcohol, and chloroform, but insoluble in ether. Hexamine is a kind of raw material for the curing agent of phenolic plastic, the catalytic agent of amino plastic, the blowing agent H(dpt)of vulcanized rubber, the antishrinking agent for textile goods, diuretic and germicide of pharmacy, the black explosive of military industry and the pesticide of agriculture. And it can be used for the absorbent for light and air in the poison gas mask, if it is mixed with caustic soda & phenoxide.
济南市历城区新星助剂厂位于济南临港经济开发区,交通便利,资源丰富,风景秀丽具有良好的投资与贸易合作环境。 本厂是H发泡剂(N,N--二亚戊四胺,DTP)的**生产厂家。有着二十多年的生产历史,企业以设备**,技术力量雄厚,产品质量稳定赢得了客户的信任,并成为国内H发泡剂**生产企业。 本品是用于制造橡胶、塑料的重要原料。新星助剂厂的产品遍布全国大部分地区,本品发气量大,发泡**,在橡胶塑料中分散性良好,无污染性,近几年来国内外市场对橡胶制品、塑料制品需求量越来越大。本厂产品质量稳定,各项指标均符合化工部HG2-1188-78规定执行。 真诚服务是我们永恒的承诺,欢迎各界新老朋友垂询!