Agilent 5350B频率10 MHz-20 GHz. NOTE: Suggested replacement is 53150A and this product may be found by selecting the Related Products link. The Agilent 5350B provides fast and precise measurements from 10 Hz to 20 GHz and features microwave components that are integrated on a single hybrid gallium arsenide (GaAs) circuit for added speed and reliability. The 5350B distinguished by wide frequency coverage, exceptional sensitivity, fast tracking, high measurement throughput, and wide FM tolerance. Built-in microprocessors provide math functions, including measurement scaling and offset. Automatic amplitude discrimination measures the frequency of the highest-amplitude ** in a multi-** environment. A full set of diagnostic routines provides general information and troubleshooting. The 5350B integrates easily into test systems. English-like commands simplify integration with other components, and the easy-to-read liquid crystal displays can serve as message centers for the system. Frequency range from 10 Hz to 20 GHz; directly measures without expensive mixers. Sensitivity to -40 dBm ensures accurate measurement of low-energy **s. Low kickback noise for sensitive environments; sleep mode reduces noise to -70 dBm. Fast acquisition time (60 ms in automatic, fast acquisition tracking mode; 20 ms in manual mode) for improved throughput. Up to 120 measurements per second (100 in automatic mode) over HP-IB (fully programmable). Fast tracking speed allows effortless tracking of source drift to 1 GHz per second; ideal for measuring the response of voltage-controlled oscillator to voltage-source tuning.
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