Applications of Sn-220 and SN-240 for riser tube or stalk tube in molten aluminium. A. sialon,silicon nitride,alumina,and carbide silicon are known as engineering ceramics. Among them,silicon nitride has the highest thermal shock resistance. Thus,it makes handing and preheating control easier. B. Low wettability against molten alumium makes material adhesion on tube less and it makes daily maintenance easier. C. Superior corrosion resisitance does not allow eluted contamination into molten metal.Thia is key factor to maitain purity of molten alloys D.The material has low conductivity and superior heat retainning properties.So heat loss is reduced. E. Silicon nitride is a dense material and maintains its high mechanical strength ,even at elevated pared to reduction bonded materials. it assures trouble free operation. In fact, practical accomplishment shows more than 1 year in use. SN-220 和SN240适用于熔融铝的上升管或轴管。 A.氮化硅,氧化铝,和碳化硅是常见的陶瓷工程材料。其中,氮化硅的耐热冲击性能最高,因此可以简化操作和预热程序。 B.对熔融铝的可湿性低,可以减少管道的吸附物。 C.耐腐蚀性能高,使洗脱污染物无法进入熔融金属,这正是保持熔融金属纯度的关键因素。 D.材料的导热性低,保温性能强,从而减少热损失。 E,氮化硅是一种高密度材料,即使在升温时仍然可以保持高机械强度,与反应烧结材料相比,它确保无故障运行,实际应用显示证明氮化硅可使用 一年以上。
天津瑞东**贸易有限公司成立于2004年,主要经营:1.石英坩埚,氧化铝坩埚,氯化硅陶瓷制品2.各式坩埚炉、溶解炉、热处理炉以及部件耗材 3.铸铁有色行业用浇注料 、可塑料等4 矾土、刚玉、石墨、碳化硅等耐火原料矿物,另公司为日本京瓷精密陶瓷制品中国总代理。我公司努力为客户提供优良产品和优质服务,具有良好声誉.