监控立杆设计及制作过程中注意风摆系数计算设计注意事项:在制定方案之前应对保护的对象进行雷击风险评估,并确定防风等级。关于室外摄像机立杆 室外监控立杆的防雷接地道路摄像机立杆 立杆要求摄像机离地面高度一般应为4~6米,挑臂长度可依据实际应用环境进行计算。但其长度应在0.8米~3米之间,特殊场合**出5米的,应在挑臂和立柱之间加装支撑件,支撑件建议采用三角铁。立杆下端管径应在220 mm±10mm、上端管径应在120 mm±5mm,管壁厚度应≥6mm,表面必须做防锈处理、防腐处理、抗台风。立杆基础深度不**1.5米,基础直径大于1米,采用混凝土灌筑,以确保立杆的牢固度。因为监控对我们生活中一个非常大的**,因而对于监控杆的制作也有着很多要求。并且在使用过程中也经常会需要清理监控杆,但是如何避免在清理的过程中损伤监控杆也是其中的一大学问。监控杆制作要求碳素钢采用E43型焊条,焊条质量应该符合标准的规定,不能使用焊芯生锈或受潮的焊条;同时需要对监控杆采用热浸锌处理,保证其表面锌层均匀,还需要用硫酸铜液作浸蚀处理,保证其产品在使用的过程当中锌层不会剥离,不凸起,而且监控杆误差不能**过1%。如果监控杆上有污渍的话,一般清洁以湿布就可以了,如果有斑点可用油污清洁剂来进行清洗。如果是雾面台面的话,可以用划圆周方式轻轻擦拭,同样的方法也适用于被灼的情况,当然特别需要注意的是不要让粗糙的化学品,直接接触小区监控面,这样也会损坏小区监控杆表面的。监控立杆的预埋件基础施工1、基础的钢筋笼应临时固定,同时确保钢筋笼的基础**板平面水平,即用水平尺在基础**板垂直两个方向测量,观察其气泡必须居中;监控立杆预埋件基础混凝土浇捣必须密实,禁止混凝土有空鼓;2、施工时要在预埋管口预先用塑料纸或其它材料封口,以防止混凝土浇捣时混凝土漏入预埋管中,造成预埋管堵塞;基础浇捣后,基础面必须要**地平面5MM~10MM;混凝土必须要养护一段时间,以确保混凝土能达到一定的安装强度。3、每一根金属立杆都必须接地,其接地电阻小于4欧;各立杆基础具体数据视现场施工需要为准。一般的监控立杆均按照高4—6米横臂1米,来进行制作。没有特殊情况所有监控立杆预埋件混凝土为C25砼,所配钢筋符合标准及受风要求。监控杆必须有良好接地加引线导入地下(建议导电不走杆体),其接地电阻小于4欧;监控杆为我们的生活提供了很高的安全性,随着现代社会的交通变得越来越发达,道路上汽车,公交车,自行车,摩托车,行人随处可见,如果没有监控杆的保护,那么我们现在的生活可能会大不一样。Monitoring poles provide high security for our lives. With the development of modern society, traffic is becoming more and more developed. Automobiles, buses, bicycles, motorcycles and pedestrians can be seen everywhere. Without the protection of monitoring poles, our life may be very different now.监控杆分为八角监控杆,圆管监控杆,等径监控杆,变径监控杆,锥形监控杆,电子杆,道路监控杆,监控龙门架高度一般为3-6米,主要为交通道路,十字路口,学校,,小区,工厂,边防,机场等需要监控摄像的地方。Monitoring poles are divided into octagonal, circular, equal-diameter, variable-diameter, conical, electronic police, road monitoring poles, monitoring gantry height is generally 3-6 meters, mainly for traffic roads, intersections, schools, government, residential areas, factories, border guards, airports and other places that need to be monitored and photographed.近年来,越来越多室外监控项目,大家很头疼的一件事情就是,室外的摄像头的固**如何来选择呢?监控杆无意识好的,适合的材料,那么,如何来挑选小区监控杆作为摄像机的固**呢?小区监控杆一般是用于室外监控摄像头安装的一种材料。如果是柱状支架道路监控,通常使用高度6米横臂1米来进行制作,这样制作高度比较高,可以监控的较远,这就是它的基本作用。一般的我们都是以环保为主题来安装设备,为各地服务,种类繁多,可供挑选。但是要注意:一定要选择适合现场工地使用的监控杆,不要“挑花眼”了哦。。。In recent years, more and more outdoor surveillance projects, one of the headaches is how to choose the fixed point of the outdoor camera? Monitor pole unconsciously good, suitable material, then, how to select the residential monitor pole as the fixed point of the camera? Community monitoring pole is generally used for outdoor monitoring camera installation of a material. If it is the cylindrical bracket road monitoring, usually use the height of 6 meters cross arm 1 meters to produce, so that the production height is relatively high, can be monitored further, this is its basic role. In general, we are environmental protection as the theme to install equipment, to serve all parts of the country, a wide range of options. However, we should pay attention to: we must choose the monitoring rod suitable for site use, do not "pick eye" oh...And监控杆及其主要构件的室外控制开关箱应采用不锈钢设备箱,并对其表面作喷塑处理。 摄像机立杆采用 Φ159×6直缝钢管;立杆与横支臂的连接端头(0.2m)采用Φ89×4.5直缝钢管,焊接加强板(δ10钢板) 保护;立杆与基础采用法兰盘加预埋螺栓连接,焊接加强板(δ10钢板) 保护;横支臂与立杆端头连接方式采用法兰盘连接,并进行焊接加强板(δ10钢板) 保护;立杆的中心轴线距横支臂靠路中心一侧端头的间距为5m。横支臂采用Φ89×4.5直缝钢管;且横支臂中间均匀焊接立管3根,采用Φ60×4.5钢管。The outdoor control switch box of the monitoring rod and its main components shall be made of stainless steel equipment box and its surface shall be sprayed with plastic. The vertical pole of the camera adopts 159*6 straight seam steel pipe; the connecting end of the vertical pole and the transverse arm (0.2m) adopts 89*4.5 straight seam steel pipe, and the welding reinforcing plate (10 steel plate) protects; the vertical pole and the foundation are connected by flange and embedded bolt, and the welding reinforcing plate (10 steel plate) protects; the connecting way of the transverse arm and the end of the vertical pole is flanged and the welding reinforcing plate (10 steel plate) protects. The distance between the central axis of the vertical pole and the end of the center side of the lateral arm is 5 m. The horizontal arm adopts 89 *4.5 straight seam steel pipe, and three risers are uniformly welded in the middle of the horizontal arm, using 60 *4.5 steel pipe.现在根据监控杆所需要安装的位置,条件的不同,实际上在购买时还是直接咨询专业的监控杆设计公司,才能提供的监控杆的选择。Now, according to the location and condition of the monitor rod, it is better to consult the professional design company directly when purchasing the monitor rod, in order to provide the best choice of the monitor rod.