符氏组合碾米机结构基本原理 符氏组合碾米机由除杂、去石、脱壳、碾白、白米分选、粉碎配糠装置、风机、除尘器、静脉旋风器等组成。工作时,将稻谷倒入加料斗打开进口闸刀,稻谷流入除杂筛震动器室内进行杂草分离,分离完毕通过风运风送将含有大小不一的小石子通过比重去石机进行清理干净水稻后 进行砻谷机脱壳,在砻谷机正常工作情况下与谷糙分离筛结合使用是较好的,然后糙米进入料斗滑入碾白室和滚筒的空间。由于滚筒转动,稻谷受到很大的挤压力和摩擦力,在滚筒不断转动的作用下,**广东打米机多少钱 ,通过滚筒上的螺齿条,使糙米的米糠脱落,米粒被推送到出口处,从出口闸刀流出,并把米糠输送至粉碎机中碾细并且可以与水稻壳混合粉闩碎,同时米粒擦白后通过风运风送输送到白米分级筛中,进行碎米分离,从而排出完整而又光亮的大米。谷糠从米筛漏入机壳底下。通过混合糠部分将谷糠加工为客户需要的饲料。 (以上内用禁止复制) 型号:ZJF-15-40M&S 名称:符氏组合碾米机 主要参数: 1. 规格:3600×2700×3200mm 2. 体积:12m3 3. 重量:约2.3吨 4. 功率:34千瓦 5. 加工量:1吨/小时 (水稻) 6. 例子:100斤谷子,出74斤米,碎米半斤左右 7. 200斤谷子约1.6度电。 8. 去石率:99.9冂9%,同时具有除杂草去铁钉功能。 9. 采用风运与斗式提升机,白米破碎率较低。 10. 出米率保证可高达74%,以杂交水稻为准。 11. 同时加工细粗糠,一机多用,节省投资成本。 12. 节能省电,**广东打米机多少钱 ,湛江市符氏粮食机械制造有限公司,符氏粮食机械制造,空气质量远比传统组合米机好。 13. 噪音符合日常加工标准。 14. 简单,日常维护也简便。 .符氏粮食机械制造///**广东打米机多少钱
.符氏粮食机械制造///广东打米机定制 湛江市符氏粮食机械制造有限公司 (原湛江市太平粮机制造厂Zhanjiang City Peaceful Gain Machine Factory,又称湛江粮机厂)是一家拥有40年历史的谷物加工设备专业制造企业。在谷物加工方面的科学研究以及技术处于世界****。本公司注册的符氏牌组合碾米机**世界多个国家,湛江碾米机也在国内较是受广大用户的青睐。本公司以专业技术,优质服务和诚信态度为宗旨,荣获了“湛江市**法人单位”、“和谐消费信誉单位”、“中国销售市场诚信品牌单位”、“优秀农业品牌企业” 、“广东省守信用重质量企业”、“广东省名优产品”等荣誉称号。在此重点推介符氏ZJF-15-40M&S型号组合碾米机——我司国内热销产品,其加工米质好,碎米率低,出米率高,安装维修简单,运作合理有序,深受用户**。同时我司承接日产50吨以上的大型碾米机成套设备工程。 我司本着较真诚的服务态度,坚持技术创新,以市场为先导、客户为中心,做好产品,卖好产品。客户称心,我们放心。 FuShi Food Machinery Manufacturing Co., LTD (formerly Zhanjiang City Peaceful Grain Machine Factory) is a professional enterprise with forty-year history of manufacturing crop-processing equipment. In aspects of scientific research and technology of grain processing, we walk in the forefront of the world. The Company's registered Fushi brand modular rice mill sells well across the world in many countries and enjoys greater popularity among users in domestic. With technical expertise, first-rate service and honest attitude, the company was honored the “Zhanjiang advanced corporate unit”, “harmonious consumption credit unit”, “brand integrity unit in Chinese sales market”, “outstanding agricultural brand enterprise”, “Guangdong keeping promises and trustworthy quality enterprise” and other titles. Here we particularly recommend our domestic hot-sale product: Fushi brand model No. ZJF-15-40M&S modular rice mill. It is well praised by users because it has virtues like fine quality rice, less broken rice, high rate of gaining rice, simple installation and maintenance and orderly operation. Meanwhile, we undertake projects of complete equipment of large-scale rice milling machine which is with more than 50 tons of day output. With the most sincere service attitude, we insist on creation in technology, take market as orientation and consider client as center, we make and sell good product,we were at ease based on client's satisfaction.