• FT-100E多功能粉末堆密度仪


  • 2019-04-16 13:56 274
  • 产品价格:64364
  • 发货地址:浙江省宁波包装说明:木箱
  • 产品数量:不限产品规格:1台
  • 信息编号:48746941公司编号:3337228
  • 曾先生 经理
    13806673976 (联系我请说明是在阿德采购网看到的信息)
  • 进入店铺 在线咨询 QQ咨询
  • 信息举报
    23.	概述Outline:
    二、适用范围scope of application:
    符合USP(美国药典)、BP (英国药典)和EP(欧洲药典)的规范要求,仪器含盖标准GB/T 5162-2006/ISO3953:1993中的各项指标,与**上通用检测方法相通。
    24.	技术参数明细 Technical parameters
    功能项目project/model	技术参数明细 Technical parameters
    25.	测试工位数(选购)
    Test station number (Buy)	1个one	2个two	3个three
    3.	测试数据处理方式
    Test data processing method	带打印,自动计算,平均值计算
    ?	With print, automatic calculation, average value calculation
    3.量筒配置规格The measuring cylinder configuration specification	25ml、50ml、100ml、250ml
    4.振幅range of vibration	较大Max 14mm,整数integer 1-14mm; 
    5. 测量模式measurement	振次和时间两种测量方式
    Vibration and time measurements
    密度density	0-9.9999g/cm3
    5.振动频率vibrational frequency	0~300 次/分times/ minute数显digital display
    6.振动时间time of vibration	0-9999s数显digital display
    7.符合标准meet the standards
    	USP(美国药典)、BP (英国药典)和EP(欧洲药典)的规范;
    Standard of USP (us pharmacopoeia), BP (British pharmacopoeia) and EP (European pharmacopoeia);
    26.	量筒要求
    Measuring cylinder requirements	容积Volume 100±1.0ml,刻度部分高H 175±10mm
    较小刻度间的容积1ml volume of the minimum scale is 1ml
    容积Volume 25±0.5ml刻度部分高H 135±7mm。
    volume of the minimum scale is 0.2 cm and the measurement accuracy ±0.1cm
    9.重复性repeatability	误差Deviation:≤1%
    10.准确性Accuracy	误差Deviation:≤1%
    27.	流动指数Flow index	豪斯纳比Hausner ratio:堆密度/松装密度获得 
    Heap density/bulk density acquisition
    28.	适用范围
    ?	Scope of application	制药、食品、化工、电池、磨料、科研院所、及大中专院校、企业研发、质量管控等
    ?	Pharmaceutical, food, chemical, battery, abrasive, research institute, and major technical colleges, r&d, quality control, etc
    13.电源Power supply	交流AC 220V(50Hz/60Hz)、40W
    ?	Operational environment	湿度小于85%,无凝

    (简称:盘羊仪器)英文名称:Ningbo Argal instrument Co.,Ltd (Abbreviation:Argal instrument)从事新材料测试技术及精密测量仪器的开发、生产及售后服务一体的实业企业,涉及新材料产业与新能源材料、半导体、导体、**导体、绝缘性材料、高分子、纳米材料的测量与分析.公司秉承“专业与精密;质量与服务并进的经营理念,采用**测量技术为科研院所,大中专院校、企业研发及品质管理提供可靠数据资讯;同时为自动化系统集成商提供配套衔接服务.
    Ningbo Argal instrument Co., Ltd (Abbreviation: Argal instrument) engaged in the development of new materials testing technology and precision measuring instruments, production and after-sales service one of the Industrial enterprises, involving industry, new materials and new energy materials, semiconductors, conductors, superconductors, insulation materials, polymers, measurement and analysis of nano-materials company adhering to the "professional and precision; the quality and service philosophy in hand, the use of advanced measurement techniques for the scientific research institutes, colleges, research and development and quality management to provide reliable data information; while automation system integrators to provide supporting convergence services.
    Talent is always our capital, 'argali people' has argali same spirit: teamwork, courage to challenge, the constant pursuit, we implement effective and democratic flat management model, pay more attention to the staff of the enterprise management participation, disc sheep instruments through the application of innovative technologies, environmental protection, energy conservation efforts.
    四探针电阻率测试仪,四探针测试仪,电压降测试仪,高温电阻率测试仪,表面和体积电阻测试仪,方阻仪,方阻计,表面电阻测试仪,表面电阻率测定仪,方块电阻测试仪,半导体电阻率测试仪,,体积电阻测试仪,体积电阻率测试仪, 双电四探针测试仪, ,四探针方阻测试仪,接触压降测试仪,线束电压降测试系统,,表面体积电阻率测试仪,四探针导电率测试仪
    Four-probe resistivity tester, four-probe tester, voltage drop tester, high temperature resistivity tester, surface resistance tester, surface resistivity meter, sheet resistance tester, semiconductor resistivity tester,, volume resistivity tester, volume resistivity tester, dual electric four-probe tester, four-probe sheet resistance tester, contacts, drop tester, resistance meter square, square meter barrier, harness voltage drop test systems, surface and volume resistivity tester, surface volume resistivity tester, four-probe electrical conductivity tester

    欢迎来到宁波盘羊仪器有限公司网站,我公司位于“海上丝绸之路”东方始发港、中国优秀旅游城市—宁波市。 具体地址是浙江宁波公司街道地址,联系人是何兴菊。
    主要经营四探针电阻率测试仪,四探针测试仪,电压降测试仪,高温电阻率测试仪,表面和体积电阻测试仪,方阻仪,方阻计,表面电阻测试仪,表面电阻率测定仪,方块电阻测试仪,半导体电阻率测试仪,,体积电阻测试仪,体积电阻率测试仪, 双电四探针测试仪, ,四探针方阻测试仪,接触压降测试仪,线束电压降测试系统,,表面体积电阻率测试仪,四探针导电率测试仪。
    单位注册资金:人民币 100 万元 - 200 万元。
    本公司主营四探针电阻率测试仪,四探针测试仪,电压降测试仪,高温电阻率测试仪,表面和体积电阻测试仪,方阻仪,方阻计,表面电阻测试仪,表面电阻率测定仪,方块电阻测试仪,半导体电阻率测试仪,,体积电阻测试仪,体积电阻率测试仪, 双电四探针测试仪, ,四探针方阻测试仪,接触压降测试仪,线束电压降测试系统,,表面体积电阻率测试仪,四探针导电率测试仪等产品,秉承“客户至上,品质**”的理念,矢志以**的技术、优质的产品、**的服务为客户创造更多的**。欢迎广大客户来电咨询!

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宁波盘羊仪器有限公司 (简称:盘羊仪器)英文名称:Ningbo Argal instrument Co.,Ltd (Abbreviation:Argal instrument)从事新材料测试技术及精密测量仪器的开发、生产及售后服务一体的实业企业,涉及新材料产业与新能源材料、半导体、导体、**导体、绝缘性材料、高分子、纳米材料的测量与分析.公司秉承“专业与精密..