1. Smart looking housing with flash light. 2. Flash light on when visitors pressing the remote button. 3. Long operating range: over 150 feet (50 meters) 4. Dimensions of the remote button is approx. 7.50cm x 4.30cm 5. Dimensions of the door bell is approx. 10.50cm x 7.50cm 6. Powered by 2 x AA size batteries for the door bell (not included); and 1x 12V type 23A battery for the remote button (included with the package). 7. Waterproof remote button. 8. Easy to install, with double-side stickers at the back of the remote button. 9. No wiring required. 10. 16 Melodies for selection. Components Included: 1 x Remote Control Wireless Door Bell 1 x Doorbell Button 1 x 23A Battery
山凯迪佳电子有限公司是一家生产电脑无线门铃和灯饰配件的厂家,成立于2000年。在遥控研发、制造领域,有着丰富的**经验。公司各项管理制度健全、完善,并有良好的企业文化。 我们引进了全套**的精密检测仪器及机械设备,有经验丰富的管理、经营团队。**研发、生产及制造各类电脑无线门铃、智能遥控开关、数码分段开关和LED控制器.在良好的生产技术配合下,可以不断满足客户多元化的需求。 我们坚持以「品质**,客户至上」的经营理念,竭诚为社会各界服务!