辽宁埋地管线镁牺牲阳极质量有保证 Liaoning buried pipeline magnesium sacrificial anode quality guaranteed 阳极的布置阳极单支或成组埋设均可,成组埋设的阳极因电场的相互影响,组内几支阳极共同发出的电流远远小于单支阳极发出电流的几倍,阳极有效利用率太低。成组布置阳极间距加大,影响保护电位分布的均匀性,单支分散布置,即提高阳极利用率,又因阳极间距缩小而做到保护电位分布均匀。实践证明比成组布置较为优越. 镁合金牺牲阳极安装方法,本公司是一家专门从事镁合金牺牲阳极研发、生产、贸易为一体的综合性科技企业,为解决上述技术问题,这种锌阳极一种铝阳极氧化废水处理方法,包括如下步骤:车间酸碱水混排:分别调节酸性废水和碱性废水流量,使混合后废水pH值在5-9之间;沉淀池沉淀:分别加入CaO、F_和FeSO4产生Ca(OH)CaF2和Cr(OH)3沉淀;`中和池中和处理:加入H2SO4和NaOH调节pH值为6-9;公司具有完备的镁合金牺牲阳极质量检测体系,技术力量雄厚,检测手段*。 The arrangement of anodes can be either single or group - buried. due to the mutual influence of electric fields, the current emitted by several anodes in the group is far less than several times that emitted by a single anode, and the effective utilization rate of anodes is too low. The spacing between anodes arranged in groups increases, which affects the uniformity of the distribution of protection potential. the single-branch dispersed arrangement not only increases the utilization rate of anodes, but also achieves the uniformity of the distribution of protection potential due to the reduction of anode spacing. Practice has proved that it is superior to group arrangement. 公司的交易方法和服务 交易方式:现金、支付宝、快递/物流收款、分期付款、月度结算等。让买家可以放心订购。 此外,该公司库存产品的规格和数量将继续变化,顾客在订购时可能无法获得足够的库存供应,但我们将快速配送货物,以便顾客可以放心。 此外,特殊规格的材料可以根据客户的需求定制! 1193178453