STRAIN VIEWER FOR PET PREFORMS (SPET-801) Product name: Strain viewer for PET preforms SPET-801 Specification: Viewing field:..............260 x 260mm Overall size: ...............445 x 280 x 280mm Mains voltage:............220/240v The function of this SPET-801 is to check dacron, PET preforms for crystallinity and other defects. This instrument is used to control the quality of PET preforms. The advantages of our PET preform strain viewer are: 1.????Crystallinity is readily identified. 2.????Not only can the molecular birefringent flow lines (fringes) be seen in colour, but also the black isoclinic lines are visible when the preform axis are parallel to the polarising axis of the viewer. The isoclinic lines indicate the directions of the molecular orientational strains. 3. ???A special and removable stage is provided to rapidly obtain the correct alignments of the preforms when viewing. For observations of the fringes the preforms are aligned at 45 degrees to the polarising axis and at 0 degrees to view the black isoclinics. The stage allows for the rotation of the preforms whilst viewing. Sodium light is also provided, in addition to white light, for the examination of coloured preforms or completed bottles. The SPET-801 can not only check all colours of PET preforms, but also has 12 analysis functions. It can analyze all situations occurring in production process and provide solutions to these problems. (The instrument is accompanied by 12 coloured and defective pictures of contrast, in order to analyze PET preforms better.) Specialized knowledge and test techniques are required in strain measuring. And the result of measuring can be used to direct production process or analyze the reason of product failure.
公司简介 主要致力于光学应力检测设备和激光应用技术的研发、生产、销售及售后服务,同时我司为日本折原株式会社、日本ルケオ株式会社(Luceo)、英国Sharples公司、美国Strainoptics公司、美国Zygo公司、德国ilis公司等*厂商在中国地区的**授权代理机构。 经营的产品有偏光应力仪、PET**应力仪、定量应力仪、物理钢化玻璃应力仪、化学钢化玻璃应力仪、激光干涉仪等;**为客户提供产品应力检测方案,为产品的品控保驾**,是公认的应力检测设备和服务的*者。 客户包括富士康、苹果、南玻、北玻、中玻、福耀、耀华、耀皮、洛玻、浙玻、旭硝子、板硝子、肖特、康宁、利信、威鸿、中科院、蓝思科技、娃哈哈、康师傅、统一、计量院、*等大中型集团企业、**、科研机构及计量检测机构等。 公司宗旨: 公司秉承:以人为本(PEOPLE)诚信当先(TRUSTEVER)**不断(CREATION)的宗旨,真诚为客户提供**产品及优良服务;为员工提供广阔的发展空间和丰盈的回报;愿与各厂商及各代理商携手合作,共同发展。 公司的口号是: 我们甘当高科技产业界的仆人 我们让高科技产品真正行销** 我们尊重每一家供货商 我们愿与所有厂商及代理商一起**成长