• 供应 Metal Cloth

    供应 Metal Cloth

  • 2008-08-26 10:24 121
  • 产品价格:面议
  • 发货地址:包装说明:不限
  • 产品数量:不限产品规格:不限
  • 信息编号:4225608公司编号:217835
  • Kitty Fan Export
    318-7592589 (联系我请说明是在阿德采购网看到的信息)
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  • 信息举报
    相关产品: metal
    Metal Cloth is one type of decorative material, which is made of aluminum alloy. It is constituted by rings and octagons. Because of its special connection, it is as the same as the cloth, but it has metallic luster.   
    According to the color, the metal cloth can be divided into two series, one is Matte, and the other is Light. According to the diameter of the octagons, it is divided into several series, 4mm, 6mm, etc. For example, the model No. is FM-4, which denotes the product is the Matte and 4mm octagons. In addition, the products have many kinds of color, black, golden, light blue, pink, etc.
    These products, due to its special material, are used in decoration material, which are durability, flexibility and variety of colors.

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    欢迎来到Ma*a Metal Net Co., Ltd网站, 具体地址是公司街道地址,联系人是Kitty Fan。
    我公司主要供应decorative wire mesh等,产品销售全国各地,深受企业用户的信任和好评!期待与您的合作!

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美丝华金属网有限公司是集生产与销售为一体的丝网制品企业。公司设备**,技术力量雄厚,研发人员 众多,可根据市场情况及客户要求自行研发产品,壁炉网,装饰网均系我公司新研发的产品。壁炉网应用于真火壁炉,燃气壁炉, 电器壁炉 ;装饰网广泛应用于建筑装潢,室内装饰,可为您营造出一个**的视觉享受。