防爆荧光灯-B系列 Flame- proof fluorescence lamp series B 灯具优势 The advantages of lights: 1.优质的精密组合,内装精巧高效、高频电子整流器,遇热启动,瞬间启动不频闪,高度稳定、功耗小、寿命长。灯体外径仅达70MM,节省安装空间,运行费用节省。 2.内装高效三基色荧光灯管:高演色性,直径仅16MM,较坚固耐用,符合当今环保,经济效率的较佳较新光源,光效好,颜色好,照明效果理想,**省电灯管。 3.灯罩优点:PC压克力灯罩不易破损,透视性高,安全性高。 4.采用防水、防油、防蚀、防爆等装置。体积小,重量轻, 安装维修便利,出厂前均经过合格检验。品质稳定,使用寿命长。 1.The excellent & precise assembly ;smart & effective internal combination ;HF electronic ballast ,easy-start with preheat ;not strobotron-flash while instantly turned on.they also have stable height ,low power ,and long life-span .the O.D. of the body is only 70mm ,they can save fixing space as well as money . 2.there are effective RGB fluorescent light tubes :high color show capability ,diameter only 16mm.and more firm and durable can meet the requirements of current environment protection .it is the best and the latest light from economical efficiency .high light effect and good light show ,ideal lighting and super power saving tubes . rit of the light lamp –chimney :PC lamp-chimney with high perspective and safety ,it is difficult to be damaged . 4.it uses equipment to prevent water .oil erosion and explosion, small volume ,light weight convenient for fixing and maintaining , they are ** inspected ok before delivery stable quality and long life-span. 采用防水,防油,防腐蚀,防爆等装置,光效好,体积小,重量轻,安装维修便利
深圳市宝安区沙井鼎柏德机电厂是一家集科研、设计、生产、销售和系统集成为一体的**企业,成立于1999年,凭借在精密电子仪器设备领域的专业水平和成熟的技术,在该领域迅速崛起。本公司专业生产LED机床灯、LED支架灯、防爆灯、LED机床报警灯、自动注油器系列、喷雾式切削冷却系统、(金属)塑料喷油管、塑料模具校模仪、导管护套、拉手等机床附件,品种齐全、质量保证。公司一直以市场为导向,以真诚服务为宗旨,不断加强自身建设,按严格的标准标准和质检手段来保证产品质量,同时提供良好的销售服务。 企业理念:我们专业我们用心昨日产品今日创新 企业精神:创新、诚信、协作、进取 经营策略:以尽可能低的价格提供**合格之产品,并尽较大限度满足顾客需求; 服务理念:专业成就**、严谨铸造口碑、诚信谋得永续; 企业目标:技术良好,科技创新,管理科学,质量*,品牌*.