Low Power Hall Switch YH4915 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The YH4915 omnipolar Hall effect sensor IC is fabricated from mixed ** CMOS technology .It ncorporates advanced chopper-stabilization techniques to provide accurate and stable magnetic switch points. The circuit design provides an internally controlled clocking mechanism to cycle power to the Hall element and analog ** processing circuits. This serves to place the high current-consuming portions of the circuit into a “Sleep” mode. Periodically the device is “Awakened” by this internal logic and the magnetic flux from the Hall element is evaluated against the predefined thresholds. If the flux density is above or below the Bop/Brp thresholds then the output transistor is driven to change states accordingly. While in the “Sleep” cycle the output transistor is latched in its previous state. The design has been optimized for service in applications requiring extended operating The output transis or of the YH4915 will be latched on (Bop) in the presence of a sufficiently strong South or North magnetic field facing the marked side of the package. The output will be latched off (Brp) in the absence of a magnetic field. Features 2.4V-5.5V battery operation High sensitivity and high stability of the magnetic switching High resistance to mechanical stress Digital output ** Switching for both poles of a magnet (omnipolar)
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