碧澜天彩钢仿古琉璃瓦为新型建筑材料,采用特殊烤漆,色彩丰富,古典高雅,为您的建筑画龙点睛。其自重轻,强度高,**性好,安装方便、快捷,可广泛应用于别墅屋顶、城市改坡、旅游风景区建筑等。 主要型号:780 980 828 765
Bess Lanshi days color antique glazed tile for the new building materials, with special paint, color is rich, classical and elegant, finishing touch for your building. Its light weight, high strength, good waterproof property, convenient and fast installation, and can be widely applied to the roof of the villa, the city changed slope, tourism scenic area construction etc.. Main model: 780980828765
Material: steel or galvanized, aluminized zinc
Color: red, blue, crimson highland, porcelain, ivory white, green, beige
Construction period: a variety of accessories and excellent construction is simple, can greatly shorten the construction period
Not change: 30 years do not change color, not faded always gives the human one kind of new feeling
Waterproof: closely connected, has excellent waterproof performance
Load: because of light material, no overload on housing phenomenon
Construction costs: simple construction and short construction period, can greatly reduce the construction cost
Many purposes: office buildings, apartments, villas, old buildings, commercial buildings, new buildings.