• 供应Aluminum welding wire ER5356

    供应Aluminum welding wire ER5356

  • 2015-03-16 17:18 145
  • 产品价格:面议
  • 发货地址:山东省济南章丘市包装说明:0.45kg/carton,2kg/carton,6kg/carton,7kg/carton
  • 产品数量:不限产品规格:0.8-1.6
  • 信息编号:36719882公司编号:806356
  • 王慧 销售
    13165209735 (联系我请说明是在阿德采购网看到的信息)
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  • 信息举报
    相关产品: ER5356
    ER5356 is a general-purpose type aluminum welding wire that contains 5% magnesium additives,resulting in high intensity, favorable corrosion resistance and excellent color compatibility after anodizing. It is recommended to weld various grades of aluminum alloys which contain at most 5% magnesium and parts of wrought aluminum alloy of 5000 series, part of 6000 series, 7000 series, such as 5050, 5052, 5083, 5456, 600**, 6061, 6063, 6082, 7005, etc.
    Mainly applied in the industry of furniture, sports equipment, compressed containers, shipbuilding, railway and the automotive.
    Main characteristics
        1.  Low welding costs.
        2.  High intensity
        3.  Excellent  corrosion resistance
        4.  Outstanding color compatibility after anodizing
        5.  Easy to operate. All-position welding.
        6.  Wide applicability.   
    ER5356 aluminum welding wire Design to weld high magnesium alloys to meet higher tensile strength requirements.Used on 5083 and 5654 base materials,when Magnesium alloyed aluminum welding wire.A great general puprose filler alloy,designed for the welding of 5xxx series alloys,when 40kis (276Mpa) tensile strength is not required .Excellent color matches after anodizing.

    ????????公司实行“质量**,信誉至上”的管理方针,并已通过ISO9001:2008质量体系认证。产品符合GB/T3191-1998、GB6892-2006、GB3190-2008等标准。并经地区有关部门认可拥有企业产品进出品经营权等有关证书。 我们将以较**的产品,较合理的价格和较完善的服务提供给我们的用户。

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