Non-woven fabric through the mechanical equipment Punch, pass stereo sense is strong, has the very comfortable skin feeling, fluffy, soft and dry. High quality fabric disposable sanitary napkins, napkin, baby diaper, medical hygiene materials etc.. The device structure: the tension roll, heating bump die roller punch, output, automatic winder. High production efficiency, simple operation, convenient adjustment. Set machine, electricity, gas integration. The main technical parameters: 1: Power supply 380v 2: Line Speed: ≥ 40m / min 3: Power: 12.7 kilowatts [3.7kwbianpindiaosu,9kwjiarehengwen] 4: Product Specifications: Series 5: Dimensions 3.5x1.5x1.7m[zhang×kuan×gao] 6: Weight of 2 tons Quanzhou Licheng District Xiang Fei Machinery Factory Tel(Fax)86-0595-22392190 Mobile Phone Email: China Fujian Province Quanzhou City Licheng District Five Tower Lane No. 48
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