电气消防*检测: 冷库中货物的**往往比冷库建筑的**较高,而冷库中的电气设备的*运行状态对冷库的运行*起着重要作用。冷库的火灾往往由于电动机堵转、电线接口松动、电气设备绝缘不好,电加热器故障等原因引起。聘请**的人才、使用**电气消防*检测设备才能**使用*。电气消防*检测是我公司不可缺少的工艺环节。 热气融霜**技术: ①化霜时间短,电化霜时间为30分钟,而热气融霜时间仅5分钟; ②化霜温度低,电化霜的局部温度将会**过300℃,而热气融霜的较高温度不会**过40℃,这将从根本上避免冰霜被加热蒸发再次成为水蒸气; ③化霜均匀**,电化霜不**将导致换热器效率降低,并且冰霜的不断积累导致系统无法正常工作; ④节能,热气融霜的能耗仅为电化霜的1/10; ⑤比电加热器化霜较为***。 热回收节能冷库: ①一机二用,节省投资 除满足冷库内的制冷需求外,还能全天候供应+40℃~+60℃的生活热水,可*取代热水锅炉,省去热水锅炉的投资。 ②**热水,运行* 当冷库内需要制冷,开启传统的压缩冷凝机组时,室外侧会吹出50℃以上的热风,如用循环水吸收这部分热量,而不是将热量排放在大气中,就可获得**热水。 Safety and Energy Conservation Refrigerating System: Electric firefighting security detection The value of goods in refrigeration storage is often higher than that of refrigeration storage building, and the safety operation state of electric equipment in the refrigeration storage is important for the safety of the operation of the refrigeration storage. The fire on the refrigeration storage is always caused by rotation plugging of the electric motor, loosen wire port, poor insulating performance of electric equipment, and fault of electric heater and the like. The safety in use can be ensured only by employing professional personnel and using special electric firefighting safety detection equipment. The electric firefighting safety detection is an indispensable technical process in our company. Hot Gas Defrosting Proprietary Technology: ①Short defrosting time; electrically defrosting for 30 minutes; and hot gas defrosting for 5 minutes only; ②Low defrosting temperature; electrically defrosting with partial temperature higher than 300 degrees centigrade, and the maximum temperature of the hot gas defrosting is not higher than 40 degrees centigrade, thus the moral integrity is completely prevented from being heated and evaporated to generate steam; ③Uniform and complete defrosting, otherwise the efficiency of heat exchanger will be reduced by non-complete electric defrosting, and the continuously accumulated moral integrity may influence usual work of the system; ④Energy conservation, wherein the energy consumption of hot gas defrosting is only 1/10 of that of electric defrosting; ⑤The hot gas defrosting is safer and more reliable than electric heater defrosting. Heat Recovery and Energy Conservation Refrigeration Storage: ①One machine has two functions, thus saving investment; Besides satisfying refrigerating requirement in refrigeration storage, the performance of supplying hot water at +40 to +60 degrees centigrade in daily life for 24 hours can be achieved, thus hot water boiler can be completely replaced, without need for investment on the hot water boiler. ②Free hot water and low operation cost If traditional compressing condenser set is to be started to refrigerate in the refrigeration storage, hot wind above 50 degrees centigrade can be generated from the outside, and free hot water can be obtained by absorbing the heat by cycling water instead of exhausting heat into the atmosphere.
北京库蓝科技有限公司(kooland)成立于2001年,是一所注册于北京中关村科技园区的**企业,始终致力于环境模拟工程技术开发并提供较**的、*易用的技术产品及****的服务。公司长期坚持不懈地实施**战略,秉承自主**与追求卓越的传统,持续不断地在用户关键应用领域进行技术研发投入,以技术**、**、敬业和负责任的口碑在业内树立起良好的形象,成为国内环境模拟工程技术的**者。 库蓝公司在环境模拟领域内的产品有:卫星常压环境模拟试验间,动物人工气候环控舱,植物培养人工气候室,媒介生物人工气候室,动力机械高海拔环境模拟试验室,电子产品高温老化间,湿热实验室,低温低湿种子库,节能冷库等。这些产品和服务以人工智能化程度高,控制**、节能、施工质量高、服务良好而得到用户青睐。 库蓝科技不但有良好的技术,而且有严格的工程质量管理体系和**化的施工团队,不断利用良好的技术服务于社会,想客户所想,忧客户所忧,开通热线服务电话(4000-260-360),为客户提供24 小时×365 天制冷设备维护保养管家式服务,做到高质工程与**服务的高度统一。