哈氏合金,锆702 和705,英科乃尔和蒙乃尔材料,设备和部件,详
我公司是进口材料哈氏合金(Hastelloy),锆702和705 (Zirconium702和705),英科乃尔 (Inconel)和蒙乃尔 (Monel)材料**经销商及哈氏合金,英科乃尔和蒙乃尔的标准和非标准设备,部件及锆702,哈氏B-2/3,哈氏C-276缠绕垫片等**制造商.这些特殊材料和设备广泛用于石化,制药,电力等行业
我公司拥有国外特殊材料供货商和哈氏合金,锆702 和705,英科乃尔和蒙乃尔成熟制造经验,提供以下哈氏合金,锆702 和705,英科乃尔和蒙乃尔设备和部件
2设备:容器,换热器,过滤器,搅拌器,混合器,哈氏C-276换热器 (工业用),塔规整和散堆填料和其他非标设备等
3部件: 法兰,管件,静电接地环,管路系统,阀门其他非标产品等
5钢带:锆702,哈氏B2/3,哈氏C276, 英科乃尔和蒙乃尔钢带,用于缠绕垫片,塔内件填料,波纹管和阻火器钢带
6过滤器: 哈氏B-3 V型过滤器,锆702 V型过滤器,哈氏C-276 Y型过滤器(*使用)(醋酸和醋肝装置用)
主要业绩:从1997年起,我公司已为许多*国外独资,合资,大型国内企业提供哈氏合金,锆702 和705,英科乃尔和蒙乃尔材料,各种形式设备和部件及锆702和哈氏合金缠绕垫片等.如BASF,BP,ABB,重庆扬子乙酰化工有限公司(BP)(醋酸厂),上海吴泾醋酸有限公司,镇江索普醋酸有限公司,山东华鲁恒升化工股份有限公司(醋酸和醋肝),上海石化,高桥石化, 华能电厂,上海焦化有限公司,河南神马氯碱化工股份有限公司和杭州东日玻璃钢有限公司等
Equipment and parts for Hastelloy, Ziconium 702 and 705,Inconel and Monel. Se
Our corporation is a manufacturer and importer to fabricate and submit the all types of equipment, materials, parts, gasket and fittings of Hastelloy, Inconel, Monel and Zirconium etc. These equipment and parts are wide used in the fields of petrochemical, chemical , pharmacy, food, power, marine and many industries
Our corporation makes the full used of its purchase channels at abroad and its rich experience in handing special materials to submit following material, equipment and parts of Hastelloy, Zirconium 702 and 705, Inconel and Monel.
1.Material:Pipes/tubes, plates/sheets, bar, welding material and forges.
2. Equipment. Vessels, exchangers, fillers, agitators, mixers, exchangers used in caustic soda plants, packing in tower,
standard equipment or non standard equipment.
3. Parts. Flanges, fitting (45 and 90 degree elbows, 180 degree return, concentric and eccentric reducers, straight tees, straight cross, reducing outlet tees, reducing outlet cross, lap joint ends, caps etc.), rings used anti-power ,satisfy pipes used in instructing systems, accessories of pipe line , valves and various parts.
4. Spiral wound gaskets: Spiral wound gaskets of Hastelloy C-276, Hastelloy B2/3 and Zirconium702 used in of acetic acid , acetic anhydride and other plants
5. Stripes: Stripes of Hastelloy, Zirconium702, Monel, Inconel used in spiral wound gaskets, bellows and preventing fire and packing parts in the tower etc
6. Fillers. V type fillers of Hastelloy B-3 and Zirconium 702 as well as Y type of Hastelloy C-276 used in of acetic acid, acetic anhydride and other plants
7. Protection pipes for measuring temperature used for instructing systems
8. Mesh used in of acetic acid , acetic anhydride and other plants
9. Fasteners: Bolts, nuts, washes and U type bolts
10. Wires and mesh
11. Springs
12. Technical service, imported products substituted by home
Some Hastelloy, Zirconium have stocked in our company.
Main reference list. Since 1997, our company had submitted a lot of various material, equipment and parts of Hastelloy, Ziconium 702 and 705,Inconel and Monel for many famous corporations in home and abroad in past years, such as BASF, BP, JUC, GEA, Chongqin Yangtze (BP) River Acetyls Co., Ltd (Acetic acid plant), etc., Shanghai Wujing Chemical Co., Ltd (Acetic acid plant), Zhenjiang Suopu Chemical Co., Ltd (Acetic acid plant), Huolu Hengshen Chemical Co., Ltd.,Shanghai Coking & Chemical Corporation, Huaneng Power Co., Ltd and other corporations etc.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at you convenience.
Best regards,
Chen Zhibao
General Manager
Shanghai NieDuo Fabricating Chemical Equipment Co., Ltd
805/F NO.6-199 JinGang Road Pudong New Area Shanghai,China
Tel. 0086-021-58503107