VARIETAL MERLOT 瓦尔帝维爱索-梅罗特干红葡萄酒 葡萄品种 Grapes 梅罗特** (Merlot **) 产区 D. Origin *山谷(Central Valley) 收获时节Harvest 四月1日-15日(April 1st to 15th ) 成熟期 Ageing 在由微机控制氧化的不锈钢桶中成熟9个月,有50%的酒液与法国的橡木接触(9 months in stainless steel tanks with micro-oxygenation and 50% with French oak.) 品味注释 Tasting Notes 深沉的红色。浓郁的成熟李子,香料,咖啡,巧克力和烟熏香味。入口柔软顺滑的触感,成熟的单宁给予美好的回味和构架。适宜与精瘦红肉,意大利面,炖肉,香味柔和或者浇蘑菇汁的白肉类菜肴搭配。在16°饮用较佳。 Attractive dark red colour. Intense ripe plums,sweet spices, coffee, chocolate and delicate smoky notes. Soft and smooth with ripe tannins giving good length and structure. Enjoy with lean red meats, pastas,stews, white meat with soft spices or served with mushroom sauce.serve at 16°。 生长环境Viticulture 这款梅罗主要产自拉佩尔山谷中精选出的葡萄园。同时我们也在克里库和穆勒山谷中选取一些葡萄,这些山谷中出产的葡萄拥有富有生命力的水果特性。这样可以从另一个方面来完善这款酒。所有的葡萄园都受到严格监控,以较大程度上确保果实质量。 The Merlot is predominantly sourced from selected vineyards in the Rapel Valley, we also sourced some fruit from the Curico and Maule Valley’s because these valleys produce fruit with very lifted fruit profiles, which add another dimension to the final wine.All vineyards a strictly controlled to ensure maximum fruit quality. 酿造方式Winemaking 葡萄会被去梗,但不会被弄破,在与酵母菌接触前,葡萄会被低温浸泡48小时。发酵过程在不锈钢大桶中进行,持续7-10天。在发酵过程中,我们每天会搅拌大桶3次。在酒精发酵完成后,葡萄汁仍将浸化7-14天,然后榨汁。之后酒液直接进入另一个不锈钢大桶进行自然的苹果乳酸发酵,并与橡木接触。微氧化在这个发酵过程结束后进行。 The bunches where destemmed, not crushed, and cold soaked for 48 hours before being inoculated with yeast. Fermentation was in stainless steel tanks and lasts between 7 to 10 days. During fermentation the fermenting juice is pumped over the skin cap three times a day. After alcoholic fermentation, there was post-fermentation maceration on skins between 7 to 14 days, before pressing. The wine went to another stainless steel tank, and underwent a natural malolactic fermentation with the oak staves present. Following malolactic fermentation micro-oxygenation was initiated. 酿造评价Winemaking Comments 我们创造这款酒的意义在于展示智利梅罗特*特而吸引人的特质。这一点来自于精心挑选成熟度较**的葡萄,和严格的田间管理。新微氧化技术允许我们将橡木的甜香味完好的融入到酒中,创造出较复杂的口感,而同时木质味道在酒中并不能占据较主要的味道。全新的旋帽瓶盖,可以使酒保持在较佳的年轻状态,避免与氧气接触。 Our objective with this wine was to demonstrate the characteristics that make Chilean Merlot such a distinct and attractive wine. This was achieved by carefully selecting and managing the vineyards for perfect fruit ripening. New micro-oxygenation techniques also allow us to integrate the sweet flavours of oak for greater complexity without allowing the wood to dominate the wine. The screw cap keeps the wine in optimal conditions,avoiding the contact with oxygen.
郑州盛普酒业是一家专注于中**进口瓶装葡萄酒和进口葡萄酒原汁的**运营公司,是法国马勒贝斯庄园和智利瓦尔帝维爱索庄园授权战略合作伙伴,全权负责“法国马勒贝斯庄园干红葡萄酒”和智利瓦尔帝维爱索庄园葡萄酒原汁在中国大陆市场的销售推广和供应。 公司秉承“品质说明一切”的宗旨,“为中国消费者集合法国.智利各大酒庄和较优性价比****葡萄酒”的理念,为中国消费者提供法国.智利**血统葡萄酒。 “马勒贝斯庄园干红和瓦尔帝维爱索干红”系列葡萄酒从种植到装瓶整个过程均在同一个庄园内完成,且有**的个性。 盛普酒业作为在中国大陆市场“马勒贝斯城堡庄园干红葡萄酒和智利瓦尔帝维爱索干红葡萄酒”销售总代理,为中国客户量身定做**方案,用我们**的团队打造属于自己的**进口**葡萄酒,盛普酒业的顾问团队有法国籍的*品酒师.归国留学人员.也有多年从事*营销工作经验的营销高手组成。对市场有明锐的洞察力,**的反应能力以及对营销策略的正确把握,经我们考察**的产品 将会具有较高的盈利发展前景,我们强大的营销渠道和对中国市场的**定位是你良好的合作伙伴。