您好,我们是四川华德精工制造有限公司,我们供应特大型油封(Especially large oil seal)。 特大型油封(Especially large oil seal) 华德油封)向您提供**特大型油封(Whole pack gum oil seal) 、橡胶油封(Rubber oil seal)、聚四氟油封、全包胶油封、骨架油封(Outside framework oil seal)、高速骨架油封(High-speed oil seal)、无骨架油封、复合式外骨架油封、ABS传感器油封、唇口复合式油封、异型油封等。华德油封(HEAD OILSEAL)为全国各大主机厂配套;华德油封还以OEM方式大量出口欧美等国。 联系人:李明 传真:028-85737229 EMAIL: 顺祝 商祺! 联系人:李明
The radial shaft oilseals and O-rings developed and manufactured by Sichuan Huade Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. are functionally and economically your wise choice. In the past, the exportation of our sealing products with headoilseal as its brand name was operated by China’s foreign trade companies which bought and sold the oilseals at unreasonable prices. Now we decide to get direct contact with our end customers or overseas distributors. We will offer you the most reasonable price for we just want to be your regular and stable supplier with our superior oilseal products. Sichuan Huade Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd invite you to get on our website for further information. If any assistance you need from us, just call 0086-28-85914689, or fax 0086-28-85917499, or Email ,