我公司**生产反光纸、反光膜、反光布 及反光材料,反光制品。可根据客人的任何要求生产。反光纸(可背胶)是采用高折射率玻璃微珠形成的球体逆反射原理或透明树脂构成的微晶格形成的立方角反射原理,将光线反射回其光源处,产生较佳的反光效果,加强夜间或视线不良的时的可见度。公司产品齐全且适用范围广泛,可按客户要求和规格生产。可印刷1至8个颜色,套色**且图案颜色清晰鲜艳,用料均符合出口环保标准。 **生产夜光贴纸、**透明贴纸,3D贴纸,水晶滴胶贴纸、PVC/PET贴纸。各种PVC、PET,PP,PC,TPU,等片材、软胶、以及胶片的印刷及印花,有PET、PVC等磨砂,软胶,透明印刷印花处理,凹凸,压纹等等特殊处理; **生产各种三维立体(3D)数位变图产品,3D产品印刷效果能达到立体、变化、旋转、动画、渐变、扭拧以及转动等多种效果,具有科技技术的趣味性、产品应用的增值性、产品应用的防伪性、产品使用的**性等功能使您的产品较具竞争优势; 欢迎广大客户来人来电洽谈指导!
The jinguo factory starts to create 1998 in the dongguanCity, Series printing owned a forerunner,packing the equipments and the computer laser formatting system, gather design packing to print a product in the integral whole.The employee all experiences completely a professional training, the company provides a dragon service to beat for the customer at the top of the hardware equipments under good and solid foundation.Can for some special and the difficulty high product design professional solution.Factory will with strong real strenght enthusiasm the thoughtful service and vivid management management, provide a professional product and the service for the lately old customer honestly. Company business scope: Not dry gum decals:The reflection decals,luminous decals,3 Ds changes the diagram and stereoscopic decals,colorful transparent decals,drop gum decals,Laser to defend false decals,PVC/PET/PP/synthesize material decals;