广东省东莞市诗贝斯热弯钢化玻璃厂座落于美丽的南国之乡、*的制造业名城----广东省东莞市。公司**致力于玻璃家具的研发和生产,公司现拥有**的玻璃大型热弯炉及自行研发建造的玻璃热弯钢化炉等设备。公司所生产的热弯钢化玻璃茶几、餐台具有和平板钢化玻璃一样的*性和稳定性。可根据客户要求加工生产各种热弯玻璃、弯钢玻璃、大型建筑玻璃热弯及钢化。 ShiBeiSi Hot Bending Tempered Glass Factory located in famous manufacture city--Dongguan.Guangdong province.We profession concentrates on glass furniture of development and production. We owns the advanced large and hot curved stove and develops the hot curved toughening furnace by ourself .our hot bending tempered glass production(coffee table,Dining table) owns safety and stability features compared with flat tempered glass production.