电炉 欧迈新一代电炉适用于实验室样品加热、消解、煮沸、蒸酸等处理的好帮手。 上海Oumai 实验仪器拥有20年的制造历史,引进德国技术工艺理念,丰富的**经验,*的技术服务团对,确保客户没有后顾之忧。1、铸铁加热面采用采用抗菌304不锈钢外壳,加热各点均匀,2、电子式无极调控至工作温度350度,耐腐蚀、易清洁,3、所有电器原件防腐处理,使用寿命长,多工位选择加热方式。 欢迎广大客户来电咨询!! 上海欧迈科学仪器有限公司 联系方式:[全国**客服电话: 400-820-6989;(四零零 八二零 六九八九) ;(一八九 二零一零 六二零七) 余经理]
公司简介 Brief Introduction to OUMAI Works (Shanghai) Scientific Instrument Co. Ltd. OUMAI是欧洲**基础实验室仪器装备领域中*的**。 是由**高科技投资基金投资 。一直在**设计、研制**实验室仪器。在高低温干燥、培养、振荡等试验设备领域作出了不懈努力。20年的制造历史,丰富的**经验,**的工作态度,严谨的欧洲风格,已经使OUMAI成为**的代名词。在实验室设备行业立足成为**范围内**的**企业。 OUMAI is a famous brand in European & International fundamental laboratory instrument & equipment field. Invested by international high-tech investment fund and with 20 years of manufacturing history, abundant professional experience and innovative working attitude as well as precise European style, OUMAI Works (shanghai) Scientific Instrument Co. , Ltd. specializes in designing, researching & manufacturing high quality laboratory instruments, and has already gotten a foothold and become the best leading enterprise in laboratory equipments industry, and the brand of OUMAI has become a substitute for high quality, which are achieved through unremitting efforts especially in fields of equipments such as high & low temperature drying ,cultivation and oscillation etc.