These products are used as safety fencing or warning barrier for construction sites. And they are also used as snow fencing. The most popular color is orange. Features: Manufactured from PE U.V. stabilized with the rectangular mesh type. Re-useable Usually packed in rolls in plastic film bags with labels inside, and loosely loaded into the container Can be manufactured in any height from 1 mtrs to 1.8 mtrs Many different mesh sizes and roll sizes available for these products. We can also produce other sizes as per customers’ requirements. *围栏也被称为警示围栏、雪地围栏。颜色以橘红色为主,起到一个警示作用。采用聚乙烯为主要原料,同时添加**剂(UV)并经过塑化而成。它具有强度高,耐老化,抗腐蚀,轻便柔软,可回收使用等特点。产品网孔主要以矩形和椭圆形为主,宽幅1m~1.80m,产品规格及网孔尺寸齐全,并可根据客户提供的要求定制相关产品。产品以透明聚乙烯塑料薄膜包装,内贴标签,可直接装入集装箱,也可以装入托盘中运输.
安平县天纬拉丝织网有限公司位于河北省安平县郭西工业区,公司始建于1993年,拥有固定资产260万元。 我公司是集拉丝、织网、丝网制品深加工为一体的工贸企业,拥有**生产设备20台套。主要生产和经营:各种塑料网、窗纱、不锈钢网、方眼网、铜网、电焊网、六角网、轧花网、斜方网、尼龙网、建筑、烧烤用各种网片和金属丝,化纤丝等丝网制品及其相关产品。产品广泛用于建筑、防护、筛选过滤等行业。 公司建立了完整的、科学的质量**体系,重合同,守信誉,从而赢得市场取信用户,产品80%出口,深得国内外用户信赖和赞誉。