喜美家具创立于1996年。 喜美.斯丽普&Vsq.班赛尔两大******。 喜美带给人们**的睡眠系统,公司及各国睡眠系统设计理念。 传承了美国的自由与风度,以人性化设计为理念,品质为主题,所制造的软体家具睡眠系统,在**领域对较**设计和技术的不断寻求和探索。 ISO9001质量管理体系的建立,2003年经中国**绿色环保管理中心正式授予。 2005-2008年携手美国,韩国,意大利**床垫生产商共同开发中国及**市场。 喜美带给人们是一种睡眠享受,专注**睡眠生活,为**280000喜美用户提供较**的服务。 医学,人体学及心理学的高睡眠质量为标准。 Vsq.班赛尔**源于美国, 寓意为男人自由与风度,全力演绎现代时尚生活, 2007年成功与喜美家具签约合作开发中国及东南亚周边市场, 倡导**科学睡眠生活。 Ximei Furniture was founded in 1996 . Ximei.Sleep and vsq.Ban Saier are the two world-renowned brands. Ximei provides the high-quality sleep system with its advanced design concept and idea of freedom and grace of the United States. Its soft sleep system that following the human-based design and high-quality concept is the application of the most advanced design and technique in the world. The ISO9001 Quality Management System was established and the Ximei Furniture got the approval by China International Environmental Protection Management Center in 2003. Since 2005, Ximei Furniture began to explore the home market and global market with the mattress manufacturers from the United States, South Korea and Italy. Based on the science of medicine, human physiology and psychology, Ximei Furniture provides the high-quality sleep and best service for its 280,000 customers around the world. In 2007, Ximei Furniture signed agreement with the vsq.Ban Saier, an American brand, means men’s freedom and grace as modern fashion life , to jointly exploring Chinese and the Southeast Asian market and leading a high-quality scientific sleeping life .