产品名称: 供应镀锌,涂塑刺绳 发布时间: 2009年7月17日 有 效 期: 2010年7月17日 详细说明: 产品展示---刺绳 材质:**低碳钢丝, 镀锌、涂塑、喷塑 编织工艺:拧编而成;镀锌 特点:坚固、美观 用途:用于工业、农业、畜牧业、高速公路、林场防护 丝号 长度(千米) 刺距 3" 刺距 4" 刺距 5" 刺距 6" 12X12 6.0617 6.7590 7.2700 7.6376 12X14 7.3335 7.9051 803015 8.5741 12-1/2X12-1/2 6.9223 7.7190 8.3022 8.7221 12-1/2X14 8.1096 8.814 9.2242 9.5620 13X13 7.9808 8.899 9.5721 10.0553 13X14 8.8448 9.6899 10.2923 10.7146 13-1/2X14 9.6079 10.6134 11.4705 11.8553 14X14 10.4569 11.6590 12.5423 13.1752 14-1/2X14-1/2 11.9875 13.3671 14.3781 15.1034 15X15 13.8927 15.4942 16.6666 17.5070 15-1/2X15-1/2 15.3491 17.1144 18.4060 19.3386 diana 秦娜 sales department Anping huaxi hardware wire mesh Co.,Ltd Website:wwwrazorbarbedwireorg P:86015933189279 MSN:qincuina47at hotmailcom **:nanadiana0126 Yahoo ID:
The group has an unparallel brand reputation for its outstanding quality with consistency under the famous BRAND name “TIGER”. TIGER WIRE NETTING GROUP COMPANIES started with its parent organization way back in 1960’s. There after a couple of years of continuous integrated growth with quality perfection, the GROUP is recognized and respected for the QUALITY, COMMITMENT and SERVICE to the CUSTOMER. The company started with indigenous technology and adopted the GERMAN & JAPANESE machineries to produce quality product to serve both the needs of new customers and existing ones. With passage of time and escalation in demand from all over China, the group can boast of its real assets, that is the wide spread customer base along with the vast dealer network. The group has penetration of its customers, offices and manufacturing units in different states of the country. The group values the esteemed demands of its customers and assures providing its customers with best of quality with maintaining the costs to the expectations of the clients. We ever strive for the continuous achieving the best standards of quality management systems. The group’s vision is to be a comprehensive manufacturing resource for our customers with having a in-house facilities for to meet the various kinds of needs and offering customized solutions and fabrications. With regular improvising methods of production with use of latest technologies and the ideas of our technicians, we can guarantee our customers for a trusted source of their needs.