• 供应LED花洒


  • 2009-04-25 13:49 145
  • 产品价格:面议
  • 发货地址:广东省深圳市宝安区包装说明:不限
  • 产品数量:不限产品规格:不限
  • 信息编号:13167424公司编号:368903
  • 谢翠翠 经理
    13480971975 (联系我请说明是在阿德采购网看到的信息)
  • 进入店铺 在线咨询 QQ咨询
  • 信息举报

    深圳市瑞**电子有限公司(shenzhen ruichao electronics ltd.)成立于2007年,是国内开发和生产影音解码控制板以及数码相框及音箱等相关产品的厂商之一,有着雄厚的经济及技术实力。公司总部位于深圳**。公司目前拥有实力雄厚的研发,生产,业务,客诉等大型合作团队,多年来致力于研发液晶平板显示设备的各种技术,具备市场部、业务部、行政部、研发部﹑采购部和运营部功能。
    Shenzhen ruichao electronics ltd. was established in 2007. It is a company which produces Video and music decoding control panels,Digital photo frames,Sound boxes and some other related products. We have strong economic and technological strength. The headquarters of the company locates in prime locations of Shenzhen. The company has several strong cooperation teams which include development,production,operations and customer litigations.Over the past few years we committed to the development of LCD flat panel display equipment’s techonology.
    We have market dept,business dept,administration dept,research and development dept, procurement dept and operation dept.
    深圳市瑞**电子有限公司是一家以液晶显示为主导产品的高科技公司。主要业务包括TFT液晶数码相框、液晶广告机、影音解码控制板等相关液晶产品的设计、制造、销售。公司投入了大量的资金人力用于新产品的研发。 深圳市瑞**电子有限公司一贯坚持“以质量求生存,以产品求效益,以科技求发展,不求较快,但求较佳”的方针,具有*的技术,*的质量、*的服务,满足了客户的各种需求,其产品倍受国内外**厂商的信赖与推崇。 
    Shenzhen ruichao electronics ltd.is a High-tech company which mainly produces LCD equipments. Our main business includes the TFT LCD digital photo frame, AD-LCD, Video and music decoding control panels and other related products for design,manufacturing and sales.The company has invested large amounts of funds and manpower for the development of new products.Our company has been consistently adhereing to the approach of“survival with quality,seeking profits from products, development depend on techonology, not for the fastest,but for the best”.We have  sophisticated techonology, superb quality and satisfactory services to meet our customers demands.Our products are very popular at home and abroad.
       如今我们的员工有300余人,包括10余名管理人员,10余名工程技术人员, 20余名销售人员,以及250余名生产工人。公司厂房占地面积5000多平方米,并具有有****水平的SMT(贴片技术)生产线5条。公司的液晶显示控制板产品支持电脑模拟RGB信号、数字RGB信号、视频信号、电视信号等的输入(组合),可良好驱动市场**行的TFT液晶屏,显示分辨率从VGA 到 UXGA。数码相框以7英寸-15英寸为主.
    There are more than 300 members in our company,including about 10 administrators,10 techonlogists,20 salesmen and 250 producers.The workshop area is more than 5000 square meters.We also have five SMT production lines that reach to the international advanced level.Our products can support the input of computer-simulated RGB **s,digital RGB **s,video **s and TV **s.It also can drive popular TFT liquid crystal screen  whose resolution is VGA or UXGA. The size of our digital frames is about 7-inch to 15-inch.
    The LCD products produced in Shenzhen ruichao electronics ltd. are mostly saled to Europe and American countries,southeast of Asia and Middle East.Our products are popular among customers and we have won the respect of our rivals.Our Digital frame,AD Display,LCD Monitors has been well received by the customers because of its superb quality and competitive price.
    Shenzhen ruichao electronics ltd. has been striving to use advanced design concept and technology to make competitive products.Our strategy is based on the domestic and oriented towards the international markets.
    We are trying to get advanced techonology and perfect management system to fight for the objective of sustainable development.We are constantly accumulating our own techonology to make sure the company staying ahead of the domestic marketanwhile,we are cooperating with our strong opponents to realize complementary advantages.All of us will work hard and adhere  to the“creating quality works,contributing to society” principle to create a brilliant future for our company. 

    欢迎来到深圳市瑞**电子有限公司网站,我公司位于经济发达,交通发达,人口密集的中国经济中心城市—深圳。 具体地址是广东深圳宝安区公司街道地址,联系人是谢翠翠。
    单位注册资金:人民币 50 万元 - 100 万元。

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深圳市瑞**电子有限公司(shenzhen ruichao electronics ltd.)成立于2007年,是国内开发和生产影音解码控制板以及数码相框及音箱等相关产品的厂商之一,有着雄厚的经济及技术实力。公司总部位于深圳**。公司目前拥有实力雄厚的研发,生产,业务,客诉等大型合作团队,多年来致力于研发液晶平板显示设备的各种技术,具备市场..