• 供应意大利 METAL WORK電磁閥

    供应意大利 METAL WORK電磁閥

  • 2009-03-20 23:50 181
  • 产品价格:面议
  • 发货地址:北京市朝阳区包装说明:不限
  • 产品数量:不限产品规格:不限
  • 信息编号:12637967公司编号:453787
  • 陈明 销售部经理
    15011533733 (联系我请说明是在阿德采购网看到的信息)
  • 进入店铺 在线咨询
  • 信息举报
    相关产品: metal
    意大利 METAL WORK電磁閥
    简介: METAL WORK公司成立于1967年,是意大利*二大氣動元件生產廠,生產全系列的氣動元件產品,主要產品包括電磁閥,氣缸,三聯件,接頭等產品.是一個包含完整氣動系統的專業製造廠,其產品具備高品質和價格合理的優勢,其氣缸的使用壽命遠遠**過歐洲**。在歐洲有很大的競爭力. 產品描述意大利 METAL WORK電磁閥 METAL WORK公司成立于1967年,是意大利*二大氣動元件生產廠,生產全系列的氣動元件產品,主要產品包括電磁閥,氣缸,三聯件,接頭等產品.是一個包含完整氣動系統的專業製造廠,其產品具備高品質和價格合理的優勢,其氣缸的使用壽命遠遠**過歐洲**。在歐洲有很大的競爭力. 產品描述 Metal Work is an Italian company specialising in the production of pneumatic components for automation systems. Formed in 1967, Metal Work started as a small workshop manufacturing compressed air push-in couplings. Since then the company has gradually extended its structure and production range to became a market leader in the pneumatic sector for automation systems. The range of products is actually articulated on five lines: actuators, valves, FRL units, fittings and handling, and callected in a catalogue of more than 700 pages. The factory in Concesio, Brescia now employs a staff of 350 and the domestic and worldwide sales network has a further 450 employees. In 1992 Metal Work has obtained the ISO 9001 certification. To the quality managment one, in 2000 we have add the one related to the enviromental managment according the ISO 14001. Both the certification has been realeased by the German body Dekra, accredited by TGA. Products are distributed and serviced by 36 branches in Italy and abroad, which guarantees expertise and efficiency together with a comprehensive “before and after sales service. Product quality and efficient organisation are the firm basis on which Metal Work stands today. These qualities have put the company in a position to anticipate market needs and satisfy the most demanding requirements in pneumatic automation. 

        热线电话:     传真:       联系人:陈明  
         我们有一支年轻、充满活力的知识型团队,全心全意地为客户提供**周到的服务。只要您提供备件厂家的名称.规格及型号.我们多可以找到原始备件厂家   .以较优惠的价格,较好的进口渠道。**您的需要,竭诚欢迎您来电.来函垂询,我们将提供较**,较*的服务!

    欢迎来到北京明和科技贸易有限公司网站,我公司位于拥有6项世界级遗产,拥有文化遗产项目数最多的城市,一座有着三千余年建城历史、八百六十余年建都史的历史文化名城,拥有众多历史名胜古迹和人文景观的中国“八大古都”之一 —北京。 具体地址是北京朝阳公司街道地址,联系人是陈明。
    单位注册资金:人民币 100 万元 - 200 万元。

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北京明和科技贸易有限公司全方面致力于五金机电产品销售。我们提供**的**产品,让客户真正感受到物**所值。公司主要产品包括机电设备,执行机构,**阀门,液压产品,流体设备,产品种类约16000种,并在不断地增加。 热线电话: 传真: 联系人:陈明    我们有一支年轻、充满活力的..