与闽台晶采AG320240A1STQW兼容. (1) Display format : 320 × 240 dot-matrix, 1/240 duty. (2) Construction : STN LCD, Bezel, Heat Seal, Zebra, White LED backlight, Touch Panel, Touch Panel driver (AR7643) and PCB. (3) Display type : STN LCD, Negative type, 6 o’clock view. (4) Controller : RA883**P3N (5) With temperature compensation circuit. (6) Power : +5V for logic circuit, Built-in DC/DC converter for LCD driving. (7) Normal temperature type. Parameter Stand Value Unit Dot size 0.345(W) × 0.345(H) mm Dot pitch 0.36(W) × 0.36(H) mm Viewing area 122.0(W) × 92.0(H) mm Module size (with Touch Panel) 160.0(W) × 109.0(H) × 12.5 max (T) mm