英国联迈**(Lanemark International Limited)是世界上良好的燃烧(燃烧器,烧嘴,火嘴)设备供应商(转化炉燃烧器,制氢转化炉燃烧器,制氢燃烧器,HC Burner,低NOX燃烧器,**烧式燃烧器,**烧式制氢转化炉燃烧器等各种石油化工及工业用燃烧器)。 1、转化炉燃烧器(如:制氢转化炉燃烧器,制甲醇转化炉燃烧器,合成氨转化炉燃烧器等); 2、裂解炉燃烧器(如:乙烯裂解炉燃烧器,EDC裂解炉燃烧器,EB.SM炉燃烧器等); 3、CCR连续重整装置燃烧器等各种石油化工(炼油,化工,化肥等)及工业用燃烧器)。 从1981 年开始,联迈**持续发展它在工业燃烧行业的**业务,到现在他发展成为一个在英国以及**上具有较高声誉的公司。 联迈**的****是“THERMIMAX”燃烧混合锥,该混合锥能够使燃烧设备具有较**的,较低的排放以及较稳定的燃烧。 由于客户对我们“THERMIMAX”**技术的应用,使他们在日趋激烈的商业竞争中**了良好的地位。 客户通过和我们的合作,不仅懂得了能源的利用和工业的自然状态,而且他们的设备也成为世界上良好的设备,从而具有很强的竞争力。 工业过程燃烧加热 客户化设计的**液漕加热燃烧系统适用于绝大多数的液体加热,用于直燃和间接加热的炉用燃烧设备,可以实现**,低排放,运行稳定的高要求。 典型的应用场合:产品的加工成型, 清洗工业,食品工业。石油化工行业加热 在碳氢化合物过程加热领域,联迈公司具有丰富的经验和****度。在全世界各地我们的HC 系列燃烧器得到广泛使用。 典型的应用场合:氢,甲醇,甲醛,乙烯,综合气体产品,氨,EDC裂解,焚烧应用,CCR连续重整装置系统。热油加热。燃烧系统服务工程 燃烧系统服务部门可以高质量的,全范围的为客户服务。 Lanemark International has become a ''''world class company'''' as a direct result of its commitment to product and personnel development. Still under its original 1981 management, it has concentrated on its core capabilities ¬ the production of industrial process gas fired burners and heating systems ¬ enabling the company to grow an enviable UK and international customer base. It is a list that includes many of industry''''s leading names in both general manufacturing and the specialist petrochemical industry. The patented ''''Thermimax'''' gas burner head is at the heart of Lanemark''''s success. It has a number of unique properties and enables the gas consumption and controllability of each burner installation to be optimised. In turn, production efficiency is enhanced helping Lanemark''''s customers to maximise their own profitability within an increasingly competitive trading environment Companies that do business with Lanemark benefit from the stability and strength that comes directly from investment not only in people who understand the specialist nature of the industry, but also from equipment that is at the leading edge of efficiency and economy. Since 1981 Lanemark International has played a leading role in the specialised field of fired heaters for petrochemical, refining and related applications. Today the company’s International Combustion Division has developed close working relationships with the leading companies in this industry, and can demonstrate technology which maximises both hydrocarbon processing performance and environmental protection. In all cases the burner design is centred around the ‘Thermimax’ matrix burner head which provides the optimum mixing of fuel and combustion air to meet the specific requirements of each application. This, coupled with Lanemark’s commitment to combining research and development with practical experience, delivers equipment that maximises reliability and efficiency whatever the process or performance objectives. Typical Process Applications: Hydrogen, Methanol,Ammonia.,etc
英国联迈Lanemark燃烧器设备有限公司(Lanemark International Limited) 联迈**(Lanemark International Limited)是世界上良好的燃烧(燃烧器,烧嘴,火嘴)设备供应商(转化炉燃烧器,制氢转化炉燃烧器,制氢燃烧器,HC Burner,低NOX燃烧器,**烧式燃烧器,**烧式制氢转化炉燃烧器等各种石油化工及工业用燃烧器)。 1、转化炉燃烧器(如:制氢转化炉燃烧器,制甲醇转化炉燃烧器,合成氨转化炉燃烧器等); 2、裂解炉燃烧器(如:乙烯裂解炉燃烧器,EDC裂解炉燃烧器,EB.SM炉燃烧器等); 3、CCR连续重整装置燃烧器等各种石油化工(炼油,化工,化肥等)及工业用燃烧器)。 从1981 年开始,联迈**持续发展它在工业燃烧行业的**业务,到现在他发展成为一个在英国以及**上具有较高声誉的公司。 联迈**的****是“THERMIMAX”燃烧混合锥,该混合锥能够使燃烧设备具有较**的,较低的排放以及较稳定的燃烧。 由于客户对我们“THERMIMAX”**技术的应用,使他们在日趋激烈的商业竞争中**了良好的地位。 客户通过和我们的合作,不仅懂得了能源的利用和工业的自然状态,而且他们的设备也成为世界上良好的设备,从而具有很强的竞争力。 工业过程燃烧加热 客户化设计的**液漕加热燃烧系统适用于绝大多数的液体加热,用于直燃和间接加热的炉用燃烧设备,可以实现**,低排放,运行稳定的高要求。 典型的应用场合:产品的加工成型, 清洗工业,食品工业。石油化工行业加热 在碳氢化合物过程加热领域,联迈公司具有丰富的经验和****度。在全世界各地我们的HC 系列燃烧器得到广泛使用。 典型的应用场合:氢,甲醇,甲醛,乙烯,综合气体产品,氨,EDC裂解,焚烧应用,CCR连续重整装置系统。热油加热。燃烧系统服务工程 燃烧系统服务部门可以高质量的,全范围的为客户服务。 Lanemark International has become a 'world class company' as a direct result of its commitment to product and personnel development. Still under its original 1981 management, it has concentrated on its core capabilities ¬ the production of industrial process gas fired burners and heating systems ¬ enabling the company to grow an enviable UK and international customer base. It is a list that includes many of industry's leading names in both general manufacturing and the specialist petrochemical industry. The patented 'Thermimax' gas burner head is at the heart of Lanemark's success. It has a number of unique properties and enables the gas consumption and controllability of each burner installation to be optimised. In turn, production efficiency is enhanced helping Lanemark's customers to maximise their own profitability within an increasingly competitive trading environment Companies that do business with Lanemark benefit from the stability and strength that comes directly from investment not only in people who understand the specialist nature of the industry, but also from equipment that is at the leading edge of efficiency and economy. Since 1981 Lanemark International has played a leading role in the specialised field of fired heaters for petrochemical, refining and related applications. Today the company’s International Combustion Division has developed close working relationships with the leading companies in this industry, and can demonstrate technology which maximises both hydrocarbon processing performance and environmental protection. In all cases the burner design is centred around the ‘Thermimax’ matrix burner head which provides the optimum mixing of fuel and combustion air to meet the specific requirements of each application. This, coupled with Lanemark’s commitment to combining research and development with practical experience, delivers equipment that maximises reliability and efficiency whatever the process or performance objectives. Typical Process Applications: Hydrogen, Methanol,Ammonia.,etc