3M™ Novec™ 649 Engineered Fluid is a clear, colorless and low odor fluid, one in a line of 3M products designed as replacements for ozone depleting substances (ODSs) and compounds with high global warming potentials (GWPs) such as sulfur hexafluoride (SF6 ) and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), such as HFC-134a and HFC 245fa. 3M Novec 649 Engineered Fluid is an advanced heat transfer fluid, balancing customer needs for physical, thermal and electrical properties, with desirable environmental properties Typical Applications Novec 649 fluid is an effective heat transfer fluid with a boiling point of 49ºC. Novec 649 fluid is useful in heat transfer particularly where non-flammability or environmental factors are a consideration. Examples of systems which benefit from use Novec 649 fluid include: • Organic Rankine Cycle - Diesel Engines- Generators- Geothermal Applications- Solar Applications Properties Description • Electronics Cooling (Single or Dual Phase)- Power Electronics such as IGBTs or inverters- Transformers and other equipment (SF6 replacement) • Computer/Data Center Cooling
上海锐一环保科技有限公司是专业从事ODS(臭氧破坏物质)替代,致力于氟利昂系列产品的替代技术服务及销售,主要业务涵盖精密电子清洗剂,汽车养护品,金属表面喷涂前处理剂(硅烷处理),电子化学品,制冷剂,,合成冷冻油,超声波精密清洗设备,清洗剂回收系统的经营和技术服务。 精密清洗剂应用印刷线路板清洗,金属,及其零部件清洗,液晶显示器清洗,精密清洗(包括电子器件,光学部件,航天航空设备器件,医用器械零部件,塑料件等领域,用于去除油脂,蜡,松香助焊剂,指纹汗渍,颗粒等,涉及的具体产品有继电器,厚膜电阻,IC切割,轴承,微电机等。 汽车养护品系列涵盖了汽车制冷剂134a以及*四代环保制冷剂HF0-1234yf,玻璃水,防冻液,节油环等产品。一直以来作为我司重点扶持开发项目,力争上游。