品牌:RETZ瑞茨/我们一直致力于流体控制和测控领域的持续创新,始于2005…… (调节型)进口气动V型球阀采用硬密封、四氟密封结构,板簧加载的可动阀座结构,阀座与球体不会产生卡阻或脱离等问题,密封可靠,使用寿命长 The (adjustable) imported pneumatic V-shaped ball valve adopts a hard sealing and PTFE sealing structure, and a movable valve seat structure loaded with plate springs. The valve seat and ball will not have any problems such as jamming or detachment, with reliable sealing and long service life 进口气动V型球阀产品详情 Product details (调节型)气动V型球阀的阀芯设计成带有特殊开关的V型缺口,具有准确的截流特性和控制功能,启闭件采用V型球缺结构,完进口气动V型球阀4.jpg全解决了阀腔易沉积介质的问题,由于阀芯和阀座之间是无间隙回转,所以具有很大的剪切力及自洁性能,尤其适用于含有纤维性或有微小固体颗粒的悬浊液及固态颗粒状的控制 retz品牌 The core of the (regulating) imported pneumatic V-shaped ball valve is designed as a V-shaped notch with a special switch, which has precise flow closure characteristics and control functions. The V-shaped ball gap structure is adopted for the opening and closing parts, which completely solves the problem that the valve chamber is easy to deposit media. Since the valve core and valve seat rotate without clearance, it has great shear force and self-cleaning performance, It is especially suitable for the control of suspensions and solid particles containing fiber or small solid particles 进口气动V型球阀特点Characteristic 1.具有出色的调节特性:V型球阀具有一个近似等百分比的固有流量特性及高达300:1的可调比。因此V型阀可以在广幅的变化范进口气动V型球阀5.jpg围内提供精确的控制 Excellent regulation characteristics: V-ball valve has an approximate equal percentage of inherent flow characteristics and an adjustable ratio of up to 300:1. Therefore, the V-valve can provide accurate control within a wide range of changes 2.大流动容积:由于它的流线型外形以及满直角回转控制缘故,使容积的最大值特别高,流通能力特别大,流通阻力小 Large flow volume: due to its streamline shape and full right angle rotation control, the maximum volume is particularly high, the flow capacity is particularly large, and the flow resistance is small 3.采用双轴承结构,机械稳定性能高,启动扭矩小,保证了阀门具有极好的灵敏度和感应速度 Double bearing structure is adopted, with high mechanical stability and small starting torque, ensuring excellent sensitivity and induction speed of the valve 4.安全可靠性能:阀体为一个整体,坚固耐用,操作不受管道压力影响,并可避免阀体渗漏 Safe and reliable performance: the valve body is a whole, solid and durable, the operation is not affected by the pipeline pressure, and the leakage of the valve body can be avoided 5.金属阀座的优越密封性:采用可动金属阀座,自助补偿功能,并具有优越密封性能及超长的使用寿命。在流向上,泄漏量≤10-6×额定流量系数 Superior sealing performance of metal valve seat: movable metal valve seat with self-help compensation function, excellent sealing performance and long service life. In flow direction, leakage ≤ 10-6 × Rated flow coefficient 6.剪切能力:采有金属硬密封结构,V型球阀芯及金属阀座在回转过程中,V型缺口与阀座产生一个强大的剪切力能切断纤维等杂质,并具有自洁功能,避免阀门卡死现象发生 Super shearing capacity: It adopts a metal hard sealing structure. During the rotation of the V-shaped ball valve core and metal valve seat, the V-shaped notch and the valve seat generate a strong shearing force that can cut off impurities such as fibers. It also has a self-cleaning function to prevent the valve from being stuck (调节型)进口气动V型球阀 性能描述 Performance description 公称通径DN 25 32 40 50 65 80 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 额定流量系数Cv 32 43 78 90 160 250 360 610 1120 1850 2950 3700 7195 11466 公称压力 PN1.6~4.0MPa,CL150~300LB 阀芯形式 "V"型球形阀芯,固定式结构 密封填料 PTFE、柔性石墨 流量特性 近似等百分比 阀芯转角(度) 0°~至90°(可调) 允许泄漏量等级 软密封:零泄露 硬密封:≤额定Cv×0.001% 软密封:VI微气泡级 金属密封:≤额定CV×0.065% 动作时间(S/90度) 8.5~30 36~60 可调节比 250:1 300:1 配置执行器 SR、ST、AT系列单双作用气动执行器 控制方式 开关型(开关两位控制)、调节型(4~20mA控制)
裕原流体控制(上海)有限公司是一家专业代理销售进口品牌的阀门、流量计、联轴器等产品,多年来,公司一直以“质量与生命同步”为信念,以创新、服务为目标,以专业、诚信与合理的价位、品质的保证赢得了广大用户的**。 优势品牌有(KITZ北泽/日本、VENN阀天/日本、RETZ瑞茨/美国、HITACHI日立葫芦牌/日本、JK朝光/韩国、Miyawaki宫胁/日本、TLV/日本、Yoshitake耀希达凯/日本、FTB双叶/闽台等品牌,其产品在各领域中截断、安全、疏水、止回、减压、及电动和气动系列自动化系统控制、压力仪表控制、流量测量、水务系统控制、楼宇暖通自控、热力暖通系统、采暖供热设备、商建**工程、蒸汽系统控制、导热油系统、燃气管道控制、氨用管道控制、化工管道控制、造纸工业控制、机械设备传动。 我们一直致力于流体控制领域的持续创新,始于2005…… 致力于作为流体控制*,从而创造**的企业,裕原以“坚持较好的品质”为根本,以“持续实现具有创造性、高品质产品和服务的企业**,为当今社会的繁荣作出贡献”为企业理念。 在这方“敢为人先,民本和谐的创业热土上,我们翅首以盼,友谊、商机和成功。 **观-- 诚信立足-- 诚信是我们的立身之本,以真诚之心,行信义之事,诚信于客户,诚信于供应商,诚信于合作伙伴,诚信于社会。 专注专业-- 专注于流体控制领域,专业于阀门产品与服务;专注于客户的需求和想法,专业于一体化解决方案 追求卓越-- **不是一个标准,而是一种境界。我们将不断完善自我,追求行业高峰水平