• 供应高密度光纤配线架MPO光纤配线架
  • 供应高密度光纤配线架MPO光纤配线架


  • 2024-02-29 10:04 43
  • 产品价格:120
  • 发货地址:浙江省宁波慈溪市包装说明:纸箱
  • 产品数量:不限产品规格:19英寸
  • 信息编号:115812960公司编号:4263812
  • 姜泽 销售经理
    15158397282 (联系我请说明是在阿德采购网看到的信息)
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  • 信息举报
    Specification  for  48  core  96  core  optical  cable terminal box SC/LC19 inch 1U tail fiber box
    The optical cable terminal box series products are auxiliary equipment for  terminal  wiring   in  the  optical  fiber  transmission  communication network. They are suitable for direct and branch connection of indoor optical  cables  and  protect  Optical  fiber  connector.  The  optical  cable terminal box is mainly used for fixing the optical cable terminal, fusing the  optical  cable  with  the  tail  fiber,  and  storing  and  protecting  the remaining fiber.
    1 Definition
    Referred to as OTB, the optical cable terminal box is mainly used for  fixing the optical cable terminal, fusing the optical cable with the tail fiber, and storing and protecting the remaining fiber. Fiber optic terminal box,  also known as fiber optic terminal box, is also known as fiber optic cable  reel box by many engineering companies. It is a box used to protect the  fiber optic cable and fuse the tail fiber at the end of the fiber optic cable  laying. It is mainly used for direct connection and branch connection of  indoor fiber optic cables, as well as fixing the fiber optic cable terminal,
    playing a role in tail fiber reel storage and
    2 Introduction
    The optical cable terminal box series products are auxiliary equipment  for terminal wiring in optical fiber transmission communication networks,
    suitable for direct and differential indoor optical cables
    Connect and protect the Optical fiber connector.
    Environmental requirements
    a. The fiber optic cable terminal box is not suitable for outdoor use. If it is
    to be used, protective measures should be taken.
    b. Working temperature: -25 ℃~+40 ℃
    c. Storage temperature: -25 ℃~+55 ℃
    Relative humidity: not more than 85% (at 30 ℃)
    d. Air pressure: 70-106kPa
    Service life:20 years
    Functional requirements
    1. It has the function of introducing optical cables, leading out and fixing wiring pigtails, and protecting the optical cables, wiring pigtails, and the performance of the optical fibers from damage.
    2. It has the function of protecting the fiber optic cable terminal from
    environmental impact.
    3. It has the function of insulating the metal components of the optical cable from the shell of the optical cable terminal  box and facilitating
    4. Provide space for the placement of fiber optic cable terminals and the storage of remaining fiber optic cables, and facilitate  installation  and
    5. The box body can be fixed with sufficient impact resistance and has corresponding installation functions for different usage scenarios.
    6. If necessary, it should have the function of fiber optic cable branching
    and connection, with functional requirements.
    The  optical  cable  terminal  box  is  composed  of  three   parts:  shell,
    internals and Optical fiber connector protector.
    1.  Shell   1.2  Cold  rolled  sheet  stamping  forming,  acid  washing  and spraying C413 hemp yarn black,
    The casing should be easy to open and install; The casing should have an  outgoing  device  for  grounding  the  high-voltage  protection  of  the
    optical cable metal components.
    2. Internal components: 48 core flame-retardant V0 level fusion welding
    The internal components should include the following parts:
    a.  Support  frame:  The  main  body  of  the  internal  structure,  used  for
    supporting the internal structure;
    b. Fiber collecting disk: used to store Optical fiber connector (and its protective parts) and remaining optical fibers in order. The length of the remaining optical fiber shall  not be  less than  1.6m, and the  radius of curvature  of  the  remaining  optical  fiber  disk  shall  not  be  less  than 37.5mm. And there is a space for easy identification of fiber numbers and convenient operation for reconnection;
    c.  Fixing  device:  used  for  fixing  optical  cable sheaths,  strengthening components, and wiring tail fibers.
    3. Optical fiber connector protector
    The  Optical  fiber  connector  can   be   protected   by   heat  shrinkable
    protective tube, protective clip, etc.
    Material properties
    The materials used for the parts where the optical cable terminal box is located   should    have   anti-corrosion    performance.   If    there    is   no anti-corrosion performance, anti-corrosion treatment should be carried
    out; Its physical and chemical properties must be stable

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    主要经营光缆交接箱 光纤配线架 光纤配线箱 网络机柜,一体化盘 法兰盘 尾纤 跳线。
    单位注册资金:人民币 50 万元 - 100 万元。

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