用于变压器、电机、电器等包扎绝缘 tertape polymer group POLYESTER FILM / POLYESTER NON-WOVEN ELECTRICAL TAPE Description The combination of Polyester Film and Polyester Non-Woven Materials can be used in a wide variety of electrical applications. Acrylic adhesive system combination of tear and puncture resistance, high tensile strength with elongation, and excellent dielectric strength. PRODUCT APPLICATIONS Ideal for high volume coil wrapping applications, ground and barrier insulation, outer protective wrap for bobbin applications, coil end insulation anchoring leads and terminal boards. NOMINAL VALUES The following data are nominal values based on PSTC, ASTM and other standard test. The data should not be considered as specifications. Backing Thickness: 3.5mil (0.089mm) Adhesive: Acrylic Color: white Total Thickness: 4.5mil (0.114mm) Dielectric Strength 2 : 5000 Volts Temp. Class 2 :155 C / F
深圳市君达电子有限公司于2003年3月注册,之后不久应市场之需注册“力达海外有限公司(中国香港)”。同时引进全自动切台(胶带裁切机)、切片机(绝缘纸裁切机)、小型复卷机等。 主营绝缘材料:无纺布挡墙胶带、聚酰亚胺胶带、Nomex胶带、PET玛拉胶带、玻璃布胶带、布胶带、高温美纹胶带、胶带、玻璃纤维胶带;美国Permacel胶带、3M胶带,日本Nitto胶带、Teraoka胶带(寺冈胶带),韩国胶带,闽台胶带;闽台大晋三层绝缘线;美国Nomex绝缘纸、聚酰亚胺薄膜、PET薄膜;日本东洋*快巴纸、复合牛皮纸等。