• 北京速译商务服务有限公司,北京速译翻译公司,同声传译、会议交替传译、商务谈判及陪同翻译
  • 北京速译商务服务有限公司,北京速译翻译公司,同声传译、会议交替传译、商务谈判及陪同翻译


  • 2024-01-05 10:58 92
  • 产品价格:面议
  • 发货地址:北京市海淀区八里庄街道包装说明:不限
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    北京速译商务服务有限公司(Swift Translation (Beijing) Service Co., Ltd.)自2008年涉足翻译领域,为中国翻译协会和美国翻译协会成员单位。是一家具有丰富行业经验的多语言翻译服务提供商(LSP)。
    速译是由专业翻译公司译员组成:我公司拥有全球5万余名专业翻译工作者,外国翻译专家近万名, 国内语言学家来自北大、清华、北外、上外、川外等教授副教授共计500余名。
    专业笔译服务:标书翻译、图纸翻译、样本翻译、法律文本翻译、财务报表翻译、技术资料翻译、工程施工资料翻译、毕业论文、留学材料翻译、公司上市文本翻译、 本地化等;
    Beijing Fast Translation Business Services Co., Ltd. (Swift Translation (Beijing) Service Co., Ltd.) has been involved in the field of translation since 2008, and is a member of Chinese Translation Association and American Translation Association. It is a multilingual translation service provider (LSP) with rich industry experience. Since its inception, we have focused on business and technical document translation, website translation, software localization translation, interpretation, DTP desktop typesetting and other professional services. For more than ten years, the company has been adhering to the service concept of "focus on translation, excellence", committed to providing professional language solutions for global customers, and established a long-term, stable and trusted cooperative relationship with many customers. The company has the departments of business development department, project management department, translator resource center, science and technology translation group, financial and economic translation group, patent translation group, review group, technical support department, website development department and desktop typesetting department and other departments. The company handles about 50 million words and more than 30,000 pages, mainly including English-Chinese translation, as well as Japanese, Korean, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian and other languages and English or Chinese translation. Quick translation is composed of translators from professional translation companies: Our company has more than 50,000 professional translators, nearly 10,000 foreign translation experts, and more than 500 domestic professors and associate professors from Peking University, Tsinghua University, Beijing Foreign University, Shanghai Foreign University and Sichuan Foreign University. Professional translation services: bidding document translation, drawing translation, sample translation, legal text translation, financial statement translation, technical data translation, engineering construction data translation, graduation thesis, overseas study materials translation, company listed text translation, localization, etc.; Professional interpretation services: simultaneous interpretation, conference alternate translation, business negotiation and accompanying translation, exhibition translation, temporary translation dispatch, etc.; Translation and seal service: Our company provides document translation and seal certification services, and the translation seal is recognized by consulates, courts and social security centers of various countries. English translation, Beijing speed translation business, Beijing fast translation translation company, geological translation, cultural translation, ship translation, education translation, beauty translation, petrochemical translation Beijing speed translation business service co., LTD., Beijing speed translation company, simultaneous interpretation, meeting alternate interpretation, business negotiation and accompanied by translation, exhibition translation, temporary translation, translation chuhua, Guarani, Indian translation, kai chua translation, quecua translation, mapuche translation, creole translation

    北京速译商务服务有限公司(Swift Translation (Beijing) Service Co., Ltd.)自2008年涉足翻译领域,为中国翻译协会和美国翻译协会成员单位。是一家具有丰富行业经验的多语言翻译服务提供商(LSP)。
    速译是由专业翻译公司译员组成:我公司拥有**5万余名专业翻译工作者,外国翻译*近万名, 国内语言学家来自北大、清华、北外、上外、川外等教授副教授共计500余名。
    专业笔译服务:标书翻译、图纸翻译、样本翻译、法律文本翻译、财务报表翻译、技术资料翻译、工程施工资料翻译、毕业论文、留学材料翻译、公司上市文本翻译、 本地化等;

    欢迎来到北京速译商务服务有限公司网站,我公司位于拥有6项世界级遗产,拥有文化遗产项目数最多的城市,一座有着三千余年建城历史、八百六十余年建都史的历史文化名城,拥有众多历史名胜古迹和人文景观的中国“八大古都”之一 —北京。 具体地址是北京海淀八里庄公司街道地址,联系人是。
    主要经营北京速译商务服务有限公司(Swift Translation (Beijing) Service Co., Ltd.)自2008年涉足翻译领域,为中国翻译协会和美国翻译协会成员单位。是一家具有丰富行业经验的多语言翻译服务提供商(LSP)。北京速译商务服务有限公司,北京速译翻译公司,同声传译、会议交替传译、商务谈判及陪同翻译、展会翻译、临时翻译派遣,克丘亚语翻译,瓜拉尼语翻译,印*安语翻译,凯楚阿语翻译,盖丘亚语翻译,马普切语翻译,克里奥尔语翻译。
    单位注册资金:人民币 100 万元 - 200 万元。

    以上信息由企业自行发布,该企业负责信息内容的完整性、真实性、准确性和合法性。阿德采购网对此不承担任何责任。 马上查看收录情况: 百度 360搜索 搜狗
北京速译商务服务有限公司(Swift Translation (Beijing) Service Co., Ltd.)自2008年涉足翻译领域,为中国翻译协会和美国翻译协会成员单位。是一家具有丰富行业经验的多语言翻译服务提供商(LSP)。 自成立之日起,我们便专注于商务与技术文档翻译、网站翻译、软件本地化翻译、口译同传、DTP桌面排版等专业服务。..