• 厂家供应南星悬挂链式输送烘道流水线


  • 2023-12-13 08:27 28
  • 产品价格:面议
  • 发货地址:浙江省温州包装说明:不限
  • 产品数量:不限产品规格:不限
  • 信息编号:112944992公司编号:4213062
  • 何纪勇 经理
    13705771239 (联系我请说明是在阿德采购网看到的信息)
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  • 信息举报
    悬挂链式输送烘道流水线产品简介: 1、主要用于各行业产品的烘干固化成型等。运行方式采用流水式,适合批量产品的生产。人工操作少的优点. 2、适合于各种厂房,可转弯,可上下升降,不限场地的约束。 3、结构主要由烘干箱体,输送系统,加热系统,控制系统,抽风系统等几部分组成。 4、箱体可采用成型彩钢夹心烘道用板,安装迅速,运输方便实惠。 5、输送方式采用悬挂链条式,输送平稳,顺畅,速度可变频调节,链条可根据产品重量选择型 号:QXG-150.QXG-200.QXG-250. QXG-300型等。 6、加热方式采用热风吹入式或对流式.能源用电,柴油,气,煤,生物颗粒料等。 1、 Products are mainly used in various industries such as drying curing. Run using water type, suitable for mass production. With high efficiency, less manual advantages. 2、Is suitable for a variety of plants, can turn up and down movements, unlimited space constraints. 3、Structure mainly by drying cabinet, conveyor systems, heating systems, control systems, ventilation systems, several parts. 4、Color steel sandwich box can be molded bake dedicated board, quick to install, convenient and affordable transportation. 5、Delivery method using hanging chain type, smooth delivery, smooth, variable frequency speed regulation, chain model can be selected according to product weight: QXG-150.QXG-200.QXG-250. QXG-30000 type. 6、Heating using hot air blowing type or convection. Energy consumption, diesel, gas. coal, pellets and other bio.

    欢迎来到温州南星工业设备有限公司网站,我公司位于素有“东南山水甲天下”之美誉的温州市。 具体地址是浙江温州公司街道地址,联系人是何纪勇。

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