武汉市同泰冶金工装备有限责任公司是德国罗普阀门在武汉的总代理。 ROPO是德国*的气动、电动控制阀的**制造厂家。ROPO主要生产气动执行器、电动执行器、球阀、蝶阀、电动/气动(单座,双座,三通,套筒)调节阀,电/气阀门定位器等。 ROPO自立式压力调节阀*外加能源,利用被调介质自身能源为动力源,引入执行机构控制阀芯位置,改变两端的压差和流量,使阀前(或阀后)压力稳定。具有动作灵敏,密封性好,压力设**波动小等优点,广泛应用于气体、液体及蒸汽介质减压稳压或泄压稳压的自动控制。 ◇ *外加能源,能在无电无气的场所工作,既方便又节约了能源。 ◇ 压力分段范围细且互相交叉,调节精度高。 ◇ 压力设定值在运行期间可连续设定。 ◇ 对阀后压力调节,阀前压力和阀后压力之比可为10:1-10:8。 ◇ 橡胶膜片式检测,执行机构检测精度高、动作灵敏。 ◇ 采用压力平衡机构,使调节阀反应灵敏、控制**。 ◇ 维护量小,介质受控。 ROPO Self-operated regulators are available for temperature, pressure, flow, and differential pressure control. They are suitable for all those applications where deviations of the controlled variable from the adjusted set point are acceptable and the set point remains constant over a long time - often during the entire useful life. Self-operated regulators are especially suitable for applications that would otherwise require high investment due to the auxiliary energy supply system additionally required by other equipment. Therefore, self-operated regulators are frequently used in the wide-ranging networks of gas, water and heat suppliers. Since self-operated regulators are very reliable in fulfilling their switching and control functions, even or especially when the energy supply fails, they are ideally suited as safety equipment. Type tested devices designed according to the applicable regulations can be used in many fields of application and, at the same time, they have a good price/performance ratio compared to other solutions. Constant set point – fixed set point control Easy to install Also suitable as safety equipment
武汉市同泰冶金工装备有限责任公司是德国罗普阀门在武汉的总代理。 ROPO 是德国*的气动、 电动控制阀的**制造厂家。公司注册资本100万元,注册地为武汉市青山区**工业园。 ROPO是德国*的气动、电动控制阀的**制造厂家。诞生于德国北威州杜塞尔多夫,从事执行器、自控阀的研究开发已几十余年,是**较早生产流量控制阀**之一。上海罗普自动化控制系统有限公司于九十年代在中国上海投资成立并于2006年在中国环保之乡宜兴投资1.6亿元建立产业基地——罗普阀业(宜兴)有限公司,使ROPO公司的前程揭开了新的一页,将较好的服务于国内外的广大客户。 ROPO主要生产气动执行器、电动执行器、球阀、蝶阀、电动/气动(单座,双座,三通,套筒)调节阀,电/气阀门定位器等。 高质量的产品源于对每一个细节的用心,我们的每一台产品都蕴含着我们的热情与**。我们专注于对产品的细枝末节的推敲,专注于不断**的技术。为我们的用户提供完整的流体控制解决方案。 惟有敢为人先,方能与时俱进!我们以**化的**标准,兼合人性化的*服务,在工业自动化领域树立我们的**,将我们日臻澎湃的豪情和**的产品不断奉献…