We are a professional GPS software service provider with advanced concepts, thoroughly absorbing experiences accumulated in many years. We provide software platform and service of good quality for all GPS operator 1.Specialty:We applied ourselves to the software development and service of GPS field. patibility:Supports kinds of terminals from the famous manufacturers. 3.Capacity:Supports More than 100 thousands of Objects on line. 4.Based on Web:Monitor object easily by internet. 5. Customization :Design your system according to your business. 6. Map: googlemap and google satellite map Functions Data Management Monitor Alarm Management Monitor based on web Call Center Report Center Info-Dispatch Privilege Management Fee Management Customer relationship management History Playback Line Control Station Management Image Capture Hand-free Call Monitor by SMS Remote Setting Remote Listen Remote Control Alarm by SMS Scope Alarm Over Speed Alarm Steal Alarm Over Station Alarm Route Deviation Alarm Illegal Opendoor Alarm
深圳众思达科技有限公司(以下简称:众思达)是一家以GPS相关系统和软件开发为主营的开发商和生产商。致力于为全国中小型GPS运营商、物流、客运、危险品、工程车等企业提供具有**品质的GPS车载设备和监控系统,以及相关软件开发服务。 众思达的经营团队充分利用自身的多年GPS行业经验和技术优势,通过整合GPS**链,以“位置服务无处不在”为使命,帮助中小型GPS运营商和大型客户搭建的**的GPS系统平台。 同时我们也欢迎广大客户直接入网使用我们的GPS平台软件,**试用,请联系我们