4、工艺品**玻璃珠、玻璃砂以及彩色玻璃微珠,是服装印花、服装烫画 , 圣诞树表面装饰、人造水果、人造花卉工艺品表面装饰、制造沙漏流沙的理想材料! 玻璃微珠的用途非常广泛,随着社会的发展在不断地扩大使用范围,我公司可根据客户的具体需求生产供应!
公司简介 大庆俊峰玻璃微珠有限公司。中国玻璃微珠制造*。 本公司集商、工、贸于一体的集团公司,下设多个分公司,是中国较大的**生产、销售玻璃微珠的实业公司之一,本公司生产的“鹰”牌各系列玻璃微珠,经中国交通部工程监理中心检测为合格产品,并通过了ISO9001质量认证及**标准检测,产品**世界各地并得到中外客商一致**。 我公司可根据客户的需求生产各种规格的道路用玻璃微珠,如:美国AASHTO-M247,欧洲EN1423/1424,英国BS6088,日本JISR3301,澳大利亚AS/NZS 2009:2002,韩国KS等地区和地区的标准。 本公司以“质量为生命,**格为准绳,信誉**、服务**为目标”,真诚欢迎中外客商携手合作,互利互惠,共同发展。 鹰牌玻璃珠、你我共同拥有它! DaQing JunFeng Glass Bead Co.,Ltd. The professional manufacturer of the glass bead in China. Our company is an enterprise combining commerce, industry and trade; founded many divisions and branches. It is one of the largest manufacturers which professionally produces and sells glass bead. The “Eagle” Brand Series Glass Bead in our company is appraised for qualified products by the Ministry of Communications as well as approved by the ISO 9001.The products are exported to countries abroad, and the quality of our glass bead won highly appreciated not only by our national customers but also by the foreign clients. We can produce the glass bead for road marking apply with all the international standard including:AASHTO-M247, EN 1423/1424, BS6088(A,B), JISR3301, AS/NZS 2009:2002,Ekorean Standard and National Standard etc. we can also produce the glass bead with the customer’s special requirement. Our aim is provide the best quality product at the lowest price; Reputation and Service are our priority. All the personnel in our company welcome national and overseas customers cooperate together and for a long and mutually rewarding relationship The “Eagle” glass bead、Let us hold it!