The rotor low voltage action criterion equation is:深圳国电南瑞是由原深圳南瑞电气及自动化研究院改制成立的一家专业从事电力系统保护和控制领域的技术研究、产品开发、生产销售和工程服务的大型电力自动化企业。 公司主要从事:110KV及以下变电站综合自动化系统、发电厂综合自动化系统、水电站综合自动化系统、调度综合自动化系统、工业控制自动化系统、高压谐波治理系统、微机五防系统、电力自动化智能仪表、微机消谐系统、智能开关电源直流系统、消谐消弧及过压保护装置等研究、生产、销售和服务。公司的不断开发研制适合不同用户要求的各种系列、各种规格电气自动化产品的追求、力争做国内**业性价比较优产品。 国电南瑞把“以人为本,以德为先”作为事业发展基石,强调员工和企业利益一致,公司汇聚了一批电力系统及自动化、计算机应用、自动控制和通信技术,谐波治理等各类专业的科技精英。高学历、高素质、专业化的人才队伍使科技成果迅速转化成现实的生产力。力求打造国内*自动化*。 公司始终坚持“质量**”的方针,质量控制贯穿于从研发到生产过程的每一个环节,确保生产全过程处于受控状态。严格的产品检测制度,完善的测试手段,良好的产品售前、中、后服务。公司严格按照ISO9001的质量技术认证要求,先后荣获:中国电力自动化**企业、质量信誉、服务AAA企业、中国着名品牌、质量服务双****单位等。 服务中国电力,打造世界品牌,国电南瑞凭借自身实力已服务在全国的各类行业,部分有:陕西送变电工程、珠海湛江35KV变电站、鞍钢钢铁、上海宝钢、河南王杭庄煤矿、山西同煤潞安煤矿、山西沁新选煤、神华煤矿、辽阳水泥、洛钼集团、江西双张化工、贵州水城、河南义马矿、西电东送、京福高速、遵义供电局、南方电网、三峡工程等大型重点工程项目。 国电南瑞坚持“永远保持战略成员之一”的公司理念,坚持科技创新、不断突破自我!把握产业和行业发展趋势,孜孜以求地完善产品品质,坚持改革创新,力求持续改进。公司成立多年来,依靠人才优势、技术创新和良好的管理体制,研发、销售、工程服务得到全面发展。致力于民族高科技产业的发展,不断追求卓越,为中国电力的发展做出更多的贡献,是国电南瑞永恒的追求。
Kf×Vfd/125 < (P-Pt)/866
3.5 Over load protection
Generator stator winding protective reaction of load generator stator winding overload or fault caused by overcurrent caused overheating winding, discrimination protection generator winding B phase current size, when the current is higher than setting value when the delay send alarm **.
3.6 compound voltage over current protection
Generator compound voltage over-current protection is as a generator of symmetric and asymmetric short-circuit fault back-up protection, protection discriminant generator three-phase current, AC phase voltage and negative sequence voltage, when any phase current is greater than the fixed value, and AC phase voltage less than fixed value or negative sequence voltage is greater than the fixed value export protection settings have two period of time delay, a movement in solution column or splitting demagnetization, off action to stop, protection can choose to take the current memory function.
3.7 inverse time overcurrent protection
Generator anti time limit over current protection of the generator stator winding current size, the protection of the winding due to the current too large and lead to the stator winding overheating, the protection of the three-phase current size of the judge, from three parts:
2.2 Main technical performance
Precise working range of 2.2.1 sampling circuit (10% error)
Voltage: 0.4 V ~ 120V
Current: 0.08In20In
2.2.2 contact capacity
Signal circuit contact current carrying capacity 400VA
Signal circuit contact fault arc capacity 60VA
2.2.3 tripping current
Breaker trip current 0.5A~4A (order indication)
The circuit breaker closing current 0.5A~4A (the order stated)
2.2.4 precision of various components
Current component: <5%
Voltage components: <5%
Time element: 0s-1s, the error is not more than 40ms;
1s above, the error is not more than < + 2.5%;
Frequency deviation: <0.02Hz
device overview
SAI3880D series digital generator protection device with high performance chip supports universal hardware platform, easy to maintain; the Ethernet communication, high-speed data transmission and reliable. Complete localization of Chinese display technology, simple operation.
Based on waterproof, dust, anti vibration design, can be run in a variety of field conditions.
Suitable for capacity of 50MW and below the fire and hydro generator protection.
1.2 main features of the device
An Motorola 32 bit microcontroller technology, the stability and speed of products is guaranteed
The protection. The 14 bit a / D converter, optional measurement module dedicated to the A / D conversion accuracy is up to 24 bits and the measurement indicators easily reach
The purpose of configuration with high capacity RAM and Flash Memory, can record 8 to 50 recorded reports, record the number of events is not less than 1000
An independent tuning of 32 sets of protection setting value, safe and convenient switch
In high precision clock chip, and equipped with GPS hardware circuit for the whole time, system clock synchronization
It is equipped with high speed Ethernet communication interface, and the integration of IEC870-5-103 standard communication protocol
In the electrical design with the machine, no adjustable device
In high grade, quality assurance component selection
An excellent anti-interference performance, panel or installed in the switch cabinet without other anti-jamming module
The purpose of self diagnosis function perfect
The chassis design of waterproof and dustproof and anti vibration.
The purpose of debugging conceptual design
Three、Software function deion
3.1. differential quick break protection
When any phase difference current is greater than the value of the differential speed, the protection action is stopped. Fast removal of generators in the case of a serious fault in the area of the generator. Differential speed determine the value should be able to avoid the external fault of the maximum unbalanced current, and taking into account the current transformer saturation factor, generally take 3 to 8 times the rated current
3.2.Ratio differential protection
Using the conventional ratio differential principle, the equations of motion are as follows:
Id > Icd (Ir Ir0)
Id - Icd > Kcd ·(Ir- Ir0) (Ir ≥ Ir0)
At the same time to meet the above two equations, the ratio of the differential element action. Among them, Id for the differential current, Ir for the braking current, Kcd for
Ratio braking coefficient, Icd is the threshold value of the differential current, and Ir0 is the turning point of the current value.