乐泰FREKOTE 815NC设计用于在模具表面形成半*性脱模界面,应
形成一个**薄的耐化学性涂层。乐泰Frekote 815NC将发布所有**和合成
具有很高的热稳定性。在应用温度**135C(275F)的触摸循环期间我们推荐乐泰Frekote 800NC
Non-CFC, semi-permanent, multiple release polymer resin designed to form a semi-permanent release interface on mold surfaces with application temperatures from room temperature to 135°C (275°F).LOCTITE FREKOTE 815NC has been designed to form a semi-permanent release interface on mold surfaces with application temperatures from room temperature to 135C (275F). The non-migratory multiple release system chemically bonds to the mold surface to form a micro thin chemically resistant coating. LOCTITE Frekote 815NC will release all natural and synthetic organic rubber compounds. It has minimal build-up on the mold surface and exhibits high thermal stability for all molding processes. During touch-up cycles where application temperatures are above 135C (275F) we recommend LOCTITE Frekote 800NC.Non-CFC, semi-permanent, multiple release polymer resin designed to form a semi-permanent release interface on mold surfaces with application temperatures from room temperature to 135°C (275°F).LOCTITE FREKOTE 815NC has been designed to form a semi-permanent release interface on mold surfaces with application temperatures from room temperature to 135C (275F). The non-migratory multiple release system chemically bonds to the mold surface to form a micro thin chemically resistant coating. LOCTITE Frekote 815NC will release all natural and synthetic organic rubber compounds. It has minimal build-up on the mold surface and exhibits high thermal stability for all molding processes. During touch-up cycles where application temperatures are above 135C (275F) we recommend LOCTITE Frekote 800NC.特点
上海环央化工科技有限公司是一家专业的精细化学品供应商,自成立以来,公司始终坚持以“服务客户”为本,以“合作双赢”为发展动力,秉承“信誉,质量至上”的经营理念。 目前公司主营品牌包括:德国汉高(henkel)及旗下的乐泰loctite、贝格斯bergquist、国民淀粉National Starch、泰罗松Teroson等;美国陶氏(Dow)及旗下的道康宁Dow Corning、杜邦Dupont、3M、爱牢达、日本三键Threebond。产品包括工业粘合剂和金属表面处理产品以及相关配套设备。 产品领域涵盖结构胶、密封剂、锁固剂、润滑剂、清洗剂等。 主要服务于电子电气,电力通讯,医疗,汽车机械,轨道交通,航空船舶,木工建材,包装复合等工业的生产。为其提供所需的全系列密封,粘接,三防保护,复合等胶粘剂产品。上海环央化工致力于为客户提供*的胶粘剂和表面处理产品和服务。将以专业的技术,严谨的提供客户、可靠、稳定的工业品解决方案,将产品**较好的传递给客户!